The Psychology of Procrastination: Strategies to Boost Productivity - Deepstash
The Psychology of Procrastination: Strategies to Boost Productivity

The Psychology of Procrastination: Strategies to Boost Productivity

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"The trouble is that you think you have time.”



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What is Procrastination?

What is Procrastination?

Delaying or postponing tasks till the very last minute or after their due date is known as procrastination. It is also defined as the type of self-regulation failure defined by the unreasonable postponement of duties in spite of possible drawbacks.


912 reads

The Psychology behind why people Procrastinate?

The Psychology behind why people Procrastinate?

It is due to something inherently unpleasant about the task itself. Let’s take an example – having to clean a dirty bathroom.It might also stem from more profound emotions associated with the work, such as uncertainty about oneself, low self-worth, nervousness, or insecurity.


873 reads

Reasons why people procrastinate:

Reasons why people procrastinate:

● Not knowing how to do something.

● Not care if it gets done or not.

● Not having the courage to begin

● Accusing illness or ill health

● Believing you can complete it in the nick of time.

● Requiring time to reflect on the assignment.

● Putting off one activity in favour of another.


794 reads

Consequences of Procrastination

Consequences of Procrastination

Procrastination only turns into a more significant problem when it starts to interfere with a person’s everyday life and becomes chronic. In some cases, poor time management is not only a problem—it’s a big part of their way of life.

> Increased levels of sickness and stress.

> Stress on social interactions has increased.

> Resentment from coworkers, classmates, friends, and relatives.


683 reads

Think of these as your exercises for procrastination:

1. Create a to-do list and consider adding a deadline to each item to help you stay on track.

2. Make little movements: To make your duties look less daunting, divide up the items on your list into smaller, more doable jobs.

3. Identify the warning signs: Be mindful of any procrastinating thoughts and make an effort to stifle them. If you find yourself thinking about putting off your task, make yourself sit down and work on it for a few minutes.


630 reads

4. Get rid of distractions: Consider what diverts your attention the most, such as Facebook updates, Instagram, or the local news, and switch off those sources.

5. Reward yourself: Give yourself a pat on the back when you complete a task on your to-do list on schedule.


564 reads

Do you know about the 10-minute rule in psychology?

This guideline advises taking immediate action to overcome procrastination. Ideally, start with a simple task that will take at least ten minutes to complete. If you find it easier, schedule a precise 10-minute work period and stick to it.


620 reads

"So when you find yourself procrastinating, the first thing I want you do Is identify why you don't want to do the task at hand. Think about it. You don’t have to force yourself to do the task that you enjoy. So when you recognize that you only encounter resistance when it's an activity that you don't want to do, that when you want to take a few minutes to ponder the reason why you don't want to do that particular activity. For example, do you think it's boring? Does it make you uncomfortable?

Once you figure out why you are avoiding it, you are ready to develop your plan of action."



533 reads



A person or group completes a quantity of work in a predetermined length of time, which is known as productivity. You may accomplish more with less time or effort if you are more productive.


562 reads

why productivity matters:

> Reduced Stress.

> Improved Well-Being.

> Better Engagement with work.

> Improved sense of purpose.

> Improved Mood.


562 reads

Strategies to Boost Productivity

Strategies to Boost Productivity

1. Focus on one task at a time:

While juggling projects or tasks may eventually enable you to complete them, concentrating on one at a time may increase productivity.

2. Take frequent Pauses:

Although it may be tempting to put off taking a break, failing to give yourself a brief respite can negatively impact your productivity by causing exhaustion or burnout.

3. Prioritize your largest chores first:

You can stay more focused if you work on your largest and most time-consuming jobs before tackling any other assignments.


478 reads

4. Aim for two minutes:

According to the two-minute rule, you should finish chores that take two minutes or less and give yourself two minutes to begin any small tasks that you have been putting off.

5. Time-block your itinerary:

You can also boost your productivity by using time blocks in your plan. You would assign a time restriction to each activity you worked on using this technique.

6. Get rid of distractions:

Consider what diverts your attention the most, such as Facebook updates, Instagram, or the local news, and switch off those sources.


453 reads

“Procrastination has been called a thief—the thief of time. I wish it were no worse than a thief. It is a murderer; and that which it kills is not time merely, but the immortal soul.”



512 reads



Allow yourself to shine without the desire to be seen...


“Procrastination is my sin. It brings me naught but sorrow. I know that I should stop it. In fact, I will — tomorrow!” — Attributed to Gloria Pitzer

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