The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Deepstash

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The moment I stopped spending so much time chasing the big pleasure of life, I began to enjoy the little ones, like watching the stars dancing in the moonlight sky or soaking in the sunbeams of a glorious summer morning



111 reads

There are symbolism in the story that, in one way or another, symbolise our lives. It imparts the true meaning of life through minor nuances to magnificent objects.


89 reads

Extraordinary Garden

Extraordinary Garden

The first principle is associated with the magnificent garden which represents our brain metaphorically.

  • Our mind must be nurtured in the same way that a master gardener tends to a garden by sowing good seeds.
  • Good seeds represent good thoughts. Raise the calibre of your thoughts to raise the calibre of your life.
  • Just like a gardener keeps on removing weeds from his garden in the same way it’s important to remove negative thoughts so they don’t rule your mind.


79 reads

The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse

Setting and achieving high standards for oneself is crucial. Having said that, it’s equally essential to cherish the trip and be grateful for what you have now.

  • Have clear goals: personal, professional and spiritual.
  • We live in a world where we are bombarded with stimuli from all directions. These stimuli embed themselves in your subconscious mind, whether you’re aware of it or not.
  • We have to choose consciously what type of information we want to allow into our minds.
  • Keep giving yourself some positive pressure, write a goal contract, build your habits and laugh along the way.


68 reads

Sumo Wrestler

Sumo Wrestler

Sumo wrestlers, who must exercise extreme discipline to retain their enormous stature and skill set, are the ones to whom this idea is most frequently applied.

  • Self mastery is the DNA of life mastery.
  • Work on mastering yourself. Kaizen is the Japanese method for improvement and optimisation. Use this principle for continuous learning and improvement in your life.
  • Success on the outside begins within.
  • Do things you fear -> the universe favours the brave


58 reads

Pink Belt

Pink Belt

Discipline is represented by a pink belt as it is worn by sumo wrestlers to protect their modesty.

  • Tiny, smaller threads combine to form cords, which are significantly more durable. In a same vein, every brave deed you do strengthens you as a person.
  • The more you nurture self discipline, the more it will mature.
  • Wage war against the weaker thoughts that have crept into the palace of your mind. These thoughts will then see that they are unwanted and leave like unwelcome visitors.


50 reads

Yellow Rose

Yellow Rose

A little fragrance always clings to the hands that give the roses.

  • The symbol reminds us about selflessly serving others.
  • The quality of your life = The quality of your contribution
  • By elevating the lives of others, your life reaches its highest dimensions.
  • Practice daily act of kindness which not only makes them happy but also, you yourself!
  • This act enormously help in cultivating richer relationships as well.


42 reads

Stop Watch

Stop Watch

Time is a priceless commodity and a non renewable resource.

  • Everyone from a beggar to a billionaire has one thing in common. 24 hours a day. But how one utilises and manage their time is quite important.
  • Follow rule of 20. 20 minutes of vigorous exercise, 20 minutes or reflection by meditating and journaling and 20 minutes on growth by reading and learning.
  • Have the courage to say β€˜NO’. Your time is the most precious commodity you own, use it wisely.


46 reads



The path of diamonds encourages us to live in the β€˜NOW’

  • Embrace the present and find happiness in small things to cherish every moment of our life.
  • We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past.
  • Practice deadbed mentality and live each day as your last.


54 reads



The book is in the form of a fictional conversation between Julian Mantle who is a renowned lawyer and his best friend John who is also in the same field. As a workaholic, Julian’s health problems served as a wake up call. He quit his job and made the decision to travel Sivana.


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