10 things in life you should always keep to yourself, according to psychology - Deepstash
10 things in life you should always keep to yourself, according to psychology

10 things in life you should always keep to yourself, according to psychology

Curated from: hackspirit.com

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Keep these to yourself

  1. Your personal goals
  2. Your personal beliefs
  3. Your past resentments
  4. Your good deeds
  5. Your family issues
  6. Your self-love practices
  7. Your fears and insecurities
  8. Your physical fitness routine
  9. Your financial status
  10. Your personal life choices


720 reads

Personal Goals

Setting goals is a crucial part of our lives. Whether it’s about our career, relationships, or personal growth, we all have something we’re striving towards.

But here’s a psychological tidbit: keeping your goals to yourself can actually increase the chances of achieving them. This might seem counterintuitive, especially in a society that encourages sharing our aspirations.


492 reads

Why You Shouldn't Share Your Goals

The reasoning is that when you share your goals, the praise and recognition you receive can trick your brain into feeling like you've already accomplished them. This can lead to a decrease in motivation to actually pursue and achieve these goals.

When you set a big goal for yourself, consider keeping it under wraps. Not only will it prevent premature satisfaction, but it also saves you from potential criticism or discouragement from naysayers.


425 reads

Your goals are your own. They are not up for public discussion or debate unless you choose to share them.



455 reads

Personal Beliefs

It’s not about hiding who you are, but understanding that some topics can be divisive. Politics, religion, certain social issues – these are all areas where people can have deeply ingrained beliefs.

Sharing these beliefs can sometimes lead to unnecessary conflicts, especially when the other person is not open to a different perspective. This doesn’t mean you should never stand up for what you believe in. But in casual conversations, it might be best to steer clear of these topics.

Maintaining harmony in your relationships is often more important than winning an argument.


343 reads

Your past resentments

Holding onto grudges and past resentments can actually have a detrimental effect on your physical health. Studies have shown that nurturing negative emotions can lead to increased stress and even heart disease.

It’s important to process these feelings, but constantly bringing up past resentments in conversation doesn’t do anyone any good. It doesn’t change the past, and it only serves to keep the negativity alive.

Instead, consider working through these emotions privately or with a trusted therapist.


307 reads

Forgiveness is more for yourself than for the other person. Letting go of past hurts can bring about peace and better health, both mentally and physically.

It’s not always necessary to share every detail of your past with everyone in your life. Some things are better left in the past where they belong.



309 reads

Your good deeds

We’re often taught that doing good deeds is a virtue, and it truly is. But what’s even more virtuous is doing them without expecting recognition or praise.

When we help others, it should come from a place of genuine care and empathy, not from the desire to boost our own image. Sharing your acts of kindness can sometimes diminish their value and make them seem less genuine.

By keeping your good deeds to yourself, you ensure they remain selfless acts. Plus, there’s a unique joy in knowing that you’ve made someone’s day better without expecting anything in return.


260 reads

True kindness doesn’t need an audience. It’s the silent acts of love and generosity that often have the most impact.



284 reads

Your family issues

Every family has its own set of challenges and issues. These matters are often deeply personal and can be complicated to explain and understand.

Discussing your family issues with others can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or unwanted advice. People may not fully grasp the dynamics of your family or the context behind certain issues.

Moreover, divulging sensitive family matters can also come across as disrespectful to your family members. It’s essential to maintain their privacy and respect their boundaries.


237 reads

Seek professional help if you’re struggling with family issues. But it’s generally best to keep these matters within the family or discuss them with a trusted counselor or therapist.



233 reads

Your self-love practices

Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish. It’s necessary. And how you choose to do that should be a personal journey, one that you don’t always have to share with the world.

Sharing them might open them up to scrutiny or judgment, which can take away from their sacredness. It’s like letting someone into your private sanctuary. Sometimes, it’s best to keep this space only for yourself.


211 reads

Your fears and insecurities

Everyone has fears and insecurities. They are a part of being human. However, constantly discussing them can sometimes amplify them and give them more power than they deserve.

While it’s important to acknowledge these feelings, it’s equally important to work through them in a healthy way. This could be through self-reflection, meditation, or seeking help from a mental health professional.

You’re much more than your fears and insecurities. Don’t let them define you or take up too much space in your conversations and relationships.


184 reads

Your physical fitness routine

Staying fit and healthy is important. Many of us have routines and diets that we follow to maintain our health. But here’s something you might not have considered: sharing your routine might do more harm than good.

While it’s great to encourage others to stay healthy, discussing your fitness regime can sometimes lead to unnecessary comparisons and unrealistic expectations. Everyone’s body is different, and what works for you might not work for someone else.


170 reads

Your fitness routine is a commitment you make to yourself. It’s about self-improvement and personal growth, not about competing with others or seeking validation.



178 reads

Your journey towards fitness and health is your own. Keep it personal, keep it unique, and most importantly, keep it about you.



177 reads

Your financial status

Money is often a taboo subject in many cultures and societies. There’s a good reason for this. Sharing your financial status, whether you are wealthy or struggling, can lead to a variety of complications.

If you’re doing well financially, sharing this information can attract envy or create unrealistic expectations. On the other hand, if you’re facing financial difficulties, sharing this might make you a target for unsolicited advice or judgement.

Your financial status is a personal matter. It’s something to be managed with discretion and tact. Discussing it with a financial advisor


148 reads

Money doesn’t define your worth or value as a person. Keep your financial matters private to maintain healthy relationships and interactions.



155 reads

Your personal life choices

At the end of the day, your life is yours to live. The choices you make, big or small, shape your journey and define who you are. These choices, whether it’s choosing to stay single, deciding not to have kids, or following a non-traditional career path, are yours to make and don’t need validation from others.

Sharing these personal life choices with everyone can sometimes open them up for criticism or unsolicited advice. People might try to sway you or question your decisions based on their beliefs and experiences.


132 reads

It’s always okay to seek advice when you’re unsure, but remember that the final decision is yours. Your personal life choices are just that – personal. They are an integral part of your identity and should be respected as such.



140 reads



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