A concise overview of stoicism - Deepstash
A concise overview of stoicism

A concise overview of stoicism

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 Stoicism is a philosophy that began in ancient Greece, around the 3rd century BCE, with a guy named Zeno of Citium. He started teaching his ideas in Athens, Zeno and his disciples used to meet and at a place called the Stoa Poikile, which is where the name “Stoicism” comes from.


207 reads

Basic Idea Of Stoicism

Basic Idea Of Stoicism

Stoicism is all about finding happiness by living a virtuous life. It focuses on wisdom, self-control, and strength to handle life’s ups and downs. The idea is that by being rational and in tune with nature, we can lead a fulfilling life.


197 reads

Stoicisms 4 Key Virtues

Stoicisms 4 Key Virtues

The philosophy revolves around four main virtues: wisdom (thinking things through), courage (facing challenges bravely), justice (being fair and honest), and temperance (exercising self-control and moderation).


196 reads

Locust Of Control

Locust Of Control

A big part of Stoicism is understanding what you can and can’t control. Stoics believe you should focus on your own actions and reactions, which are within your control, and let go of worrying about things you can’t control, like other people’s actions or random events.


173 reads

Handling Emotions

Handling Emotions

Stoics think that negative emotions like anger and fear come from irrational thoughts. By training your mind to think clearly and rationally, you can maintain calmness and stay steady, no matter what life throws at you.


169 reads

Go With The Flow

Go With The Flow

Living according to nature is a key Stoic idea. This means recognizing how everything is connected and accepting that change and impermanence are natural parts of life. It’s about going with the flow and not fighting against the inevitable.


163 reads



Stoic ethics are very hands-on. They emphasize doing things that benefit the common good and acting with integrity in all areas of life, whether it’s personal relationships or community involvement. It’s about being a good, honorable person.


156 reads

Remember Death

Remember Death

Stoics have various exercises to build character, like reflecting daily on your actions, contemplating your mortality (reminding yourself that life is short), imagining worst-case scenarios to prepare for them, and keeping a journal to track your progress. By doing these exercises stoics can realize their faults and improve upon them.


148 reads

Stoicisms Impact

Stoicisms Impact

Stoicism has left a big mark on Western thought and culture. It was popular among Romans like Seneca, Epictetus, and Emperor Marcus Aurelius, whose writings are still read today. Stoicism has also influenced modern therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).


148 reads

Contemporary Stoicism

Contemporary Stoicism

These days, Stoicism is making a comeback as people look for ways to handle stress and live meaningful lives. Modern Stoicism updates the old teachings for today’s world, focusing on mindfulness, resilience, and living ethically. It’s practical and helps people deal with everyday challenges.


143 reads


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