THE WOMAN - Deepstash


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The death of any loved parent is an incalculable lasting blow. Because no one ever loves you again like that.



19 reads

A Life of Struggle

A Life of Struggle

At just five years old, she learned to pretend everything was okay. She was clever and active, always wanting to go to school and learn, but instead, she was burdened with endless chores. She was forced to wash dishes, clean, sweep the yard, and pump water. After a long day of hard work, she was given only leftover food to eat. This harsh routine continued for years.


9 reads

A Glimmer of Hope

A Glimmer of Hope

By the time she was eight, her uncle, who had been away for studies, returned home with his new wife. Astonished by the situation she had been living in, he decided to take her to his home. Though she was overjoyed at the thought of leaving, she kept her excitement hidden. She quickly packed her bags, eager to escape the cruelty she had endured and step into a new world she had only dreamed of.


5 reads

The Journey to Freedom

The Journey to Freedom

They reached the station, bought train tickets, and settled into their seats. As the train speed up towards her new life, she looked out the window, her eyes shining with a happiness she had long forgotten. For the first time in years, she felt a sense of peace, knowing she was finally going home to a place where she would be safe and loved.


4 reads

A New Home and Joyful Beginnings

A New Home and Joyful Beginnings

Upon arriving at her uncle’s home, she was warmly welcomed by her aunt. While her uncle went to buy groceries, her aunt turned on the TV and told her to watch it while she prepared something to eat. But when her uncle returned, he couldn’t find her in the living room. Both he and his wife panicked and called out for her.


4 reads

Adjusting to Love

Adjusting to Love

A small voice came from the corner of the room. There she was, huddled in the corner, unsure if she was allowed to sit on the couch. Her uncle gently asked why she was sitting there and reassured her that she wouldn’t be scolded. Her aunt lovingly echoed the sentiment, leaving the little girl to slowly realize that she was now in a place where she could feel safe, loved, and free to be a child again.


4 reads

The Shift in the Home's Atmosphere

The Shift in the Home's Atmosphere

As time passed, the happiness she once felt began to fade. After living with her uncle and aunt for three years, she returned from school one day to find unfamiliar shoes outside the house. She ran into the kitchen and was told that these were her relatives. Although she greeted them with a smile, their reaction was far from warm. They whispered to her aunt, questioning why she was being kept with them.


3 reads

From that day on, she noticed a change in her aunt’s behavior. The once loving and caring atmosphere in the house grew tense. Arguments between her uncle and aunt became frequent, and the affection they once showered on her slowly disappeared, leaving her in a home that no longer felt safe or welcoming.


3 reads


“Theres been an undebatable truth

Since before we even excited

Nothing ever stays same

Change cannot be resisted”



4 reads



My Sister's Blog |The Woman | Part 2

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