Secrets of Six-Figure Women - Deepstash
Secrets of Six-Figure Women

Secrets of Six-Figure Women

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Secrets of 6-Figure Women...

Secrets of 6-Figure Women...

...offers valuable insights for women looking to increase their earning potential and overcome mental barriers to financial success. It provides practical strategies based on interviews with high-earning women from various fields.


51 reads

Financial Success is Possible in Almost Any Field

Financial Success is Possible in Almost Any Field

  • Financial success is possible in almost any field, and a lack of education doesn't have to hold you back.
  • If there's one hallmark for high earners, it's that they're exceptionally hard workers.
  • Working hard has a negative connotation. You must not make any sacrifice. Do the best work of your life. Love what you do. Work passionately, not hard.
  • Women have to make disproportionate sacrifices to compete equally in the work world.


38 reads

Working Hard Doesn't Mean Working All the Time

Working Hard Doesn't Mean Working All the Time

  • It is possible to put down your hours and at the same time actually pump up your income.
  • Overwork is a self-inflicted punishment. You must not do that anymore.
  • This theme of working less & making more was especially true among the entrepreneurs.
  • MANTRA: I consciously made a decision not to let work overtake my life.
  • It was the intensity of focus on their work, not the number of hours they spent doing it, that helped successful women's financial success.
  • Let not money drive you. Let the freedom, autonomy, and choices that the money brings.


34 reads

What money brings to the table...

What money brings to the table...

  • To be economically safe, to have enough money to take care of myself.
  • To wake up and want to go to work.
  • To use my talents to serve others.
  • To be comfortable enough to care for myself and help others.
  • To have means to enjoy my craft and explore creativity.


30 reads

Focus on Fulfilling Your Values Rather Than Financial Gain

Focus on Fulfilling Your Values Rather Than Financial Gain

  • No matter how impossible it seems, once you decide to do what you love and be excellent at it, the money will come.
  • CONFIDENCE was the reason for these women's successes. 
  • Remember: Belief in yourself doesn't mean the absence of self-doubt.
  • Yet despite their qualms, these women managed to become incredibly successful. 
  • SECRET SAUCE? Feel the fear. Have doubts. Go for it Anyway.
  • Think in terms of trade-offs, not sacrifices to find a workable equilibrium.


32 reads

Shrug it Off & Have a Good Laugh

Shrug it Off & Have a Good Laugh

  • As a whole, 6-figure women are a very happy bunch.
  • Their conversations were liberally sprinkled with words like gratitude, fortunate, lucky, and blessed.
  • Successful High Earners refuse to stay a victim or remain down in the dumps for very long.


29 reads


"It's not the money I love, but I love what money makes possible, the way it's changed my life"



28 reads

Are you an Underearner?

Are you an Underearner?

  • Underearner is anyone who earns below her potential.
  • What distinguishes an underearner is that she could bring in more, and genuinely wants to, but, for whatever reason, she doesn't.
  • Living in scarcity is almost always an unconscious decision, often a replication of our family coding.
  • Waking up, becoming aware, owning our deficits, and honoring our desires, is the first step toward financial independence and toward life as a 6-figure woman.


27 reads

Characteristics of Undearners

Characteristics of Undearners

  1. Underearners have a high tolerance for low pay.
  2. Underearners underestimate their worth.
  3. Underearners are willing to work for free.
  4. Underearners are lousy negotiators.
  5. Underearners practice reversing snobbery.
  6. Underearners believe in the nobility of poverty.
  7. Underearners live in financial chaos.


25 reads

Raising the Bar Now

Raising the Bar Now

  • Financial challenges can be powerful catalysts, providing the critical opportunity to craft the life of your dreams.
  • Once we realize our challenges are purposeful, they need no longer be painful.
  • Indeed, the moment we stop waiting and start acting, we have the opportunity to walk through a doorway to a richer, fuller, more abundant life.
  • Our problems can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were when we created them.


21 reads

The Power in YOU

The Power in YOU

  • Never underestimate the power of your thoughts to create your reality. The mind is the most powerful tool you have for transforming your relationship with money and your ability to earn it.
  • As you aspire to monetary success, expect to find yourself simultaneously drawn to search for deeper meaning, to want to fulfill a large purpose, and to have a far broader impact than you ever anticipated.
  • Traveling the path to financial success imbues you with the confidence, competence, and resources to make a genuine difference in the world, achieve your dreams, and help others achieve theirs.


17 reads

What's Your Next Step?

What's Your Next Step?

As a reader of this book, you've taken an important step toward achieving greater financial success. To truly maximize your earning power and reach that coveted six-figure income, having solid market research is crucial.

As a market research specialist, The Writeler Co. can help you identify lucrative opportunities, understand your target customers, analyze competitors, test and refine your offerings, and uncover market trends.


18 reads


"Don't wait until you "feel like it" to start, and never give up because it "doesn't feel right". Embrace what does come naturally."



19 reads

Declaration of Intention

Declaration of Intention

  • When you recognize the power of the profit motive, you take your first major step forward toward financial success.
  • Understanding the profit motive was the key for you.
  • We need not fully believe something is possible, much less have a full-blown plan firmly in place. We just have to decide what we want and be willing to do whatever comes.
  • Just take the first step in faith.
  • When your intention is strong and your commitment is staunch, the howtos invariably show up.
  • clear intention is like a firm but gentle hand against your back and voice that whispers, "Keep going".


19 reads


"What we focus on expands, what we give our attention to grows stronger."



19 reads

The Power of Intention Setting

The Power of Intention Setting

  • Every time you act on your decisions, keeping your promise to yourself by honoring your intention, you build self-esteem.
  • If you want to know what your strongest intention is regarding money, look at your life. If cash flow is a problem, if your job pays too little, if prosperity remains elusive if you can't seem to find the time to do what it takes, then either you have not set a strong intention.
  • There will come a time when we will resist success because of the way we were raised--how our families influenced us and how the culture regarded us.


19 reads


"Until you permit yourself to pursue prosperity in your own right, as your right, your best intentions will remain mere pipe dreams or, at best, delusions of grandeur with no relationship to reality."



20 reads

Discern and shape your intentions around money

Discern and shape your intentions around money

  1. Write your thoughts about money.
  2. Watch yourself around money.
  3. Do daily affirmations.
  4. Learn from your past mistakes.


18 reads

Letting Go of What Doesn't Serve You

Letting Go of What Doesn't Serve You

  • If you get stuck in who you are right now, you will never blossom into who you might yet become. Let go.
  • Clinging to the security of the familiar prevents us from discovering what awaits us in the future.
  • Life works when you're true to yourself.
  • Letting go provides the space for our desire to manifest.


19 reads

But how do you let go?

But how do you let go?

  1. What do I need to have in my life to feel deeply satisfied?
  2. What do I know in my heart is keeping me from feeling satisfied and successful?
  3. What situations, relationships, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and choices have I made that are no longer serving me?
  4. If I had a year to live, where would I be? Who would I be with? What would I be doing?


18 reads

Money is Your Friend

Money is Your Friend

  • All wealth is created by the human mind. Increasing your wealth is a matter of increasing the quality of your thoughts.
  • what have you been thinking that has created my life the way it is?
  • List the ten most negative ideas you have about money then invert them into affirmations.


17 reads

Rewiring Your Brain

Rewiring Your Brain

Negative: Money is the root of all evil.

Affirmation: Money is a tool that can be used for good and to improve lives.

Negative: Rich people are greedy and selfish.

Affirmation: Wealthy people have the means to be generous and make a positive impact.

Negative: I'll never be able to make a lot of money.

Affirmation: I can increase my income and build wealth.

Negative: Money doesn't grow on trees.

Affirmation: There are abundant opportunities to earn and grow money.

Negative: I'm not good with money.

Affirmation: I am learning to manage my finances wisely and make smart money decisions.


18 reads

Take Your Time

Take Your Time

  • If you want something, you have to go for it. No obstacle can stand in your way. You may not get where you've gotten. But you can get close to your goal.
  • Doesn't matter how much you know, it only matters that you're willing to learn.
  • Persistence is a prerequisite in the game TO WIN!


15 reads

The Streeeeeetch

The Streeeeeetch

  • Stretch, dare to do that which you think you cannot.
  • When we aren't willing to embrace offers of help or words of encouragement, because we either don't value ourselves or take our work seriously, then we virtually cut off the flow of abundance into our lives.
  • Even if you don't completely trust the praise, act as if you do.


15 reads

Obey the Rules of Money

Obey the Rules of Money

  • Spend less than you earn. Pay yourself.
  • SHOULD BE INVESTED- Money you need in the next five to seven years.
  • SHOULD BE IN CASH- Money for emergencies, unexpected expenses, or short-term goals.
  • Anyone can become a disciplined investor by taking four simple steps.
  1. Automate- Set automatic transfer to your designated banks.
  2. Delegate- Work with financial professionals.
  3. Educate- Participate in financial decisions by making yourself educated on how money works.
  4. Communicate- Talk about money. How to save? What are the difficulties encountered? How to counter those challenges? How to grow money.


15 reads

Woman, Claim your Power!

Woman, Claim your Power!

  • A powerful woman knows who she is and chooses to express that in the world.
  • Know your worth and don't be afraid to ask for what you deserve.
  • Build a strong support network. Seek out mentors, allies, and cheerleaders who believe in you and can offer guidance.
  • Focus on your strengths and passions. Identify what you're great at and what energizes you, then look for ways to leverage those in your work.
  • Be willing to take calculated risks. Have the courage to pursue new opportunities.
  • Develop financial literacy and savvy. Educate yourself on financial matters to increase your confidence.


15 reads

Here comes The Writeler Co.

Here comes The Writeler Co.

The Writeler Co. will give you the data-driven insights needed to make smart business moves and position yourself as a high-value expert, accelerating your path to six-figure earnings.

Book a free 30-minute strategy session with me to discuss how market research can boost your business, and I'll provide a 20% discount on your first project if you decide to move forward.

Don't leave your financial success to chance - beep me up today to start leveraging research to reach your income goals faster.


13 reads



Rush Research Expert


Barbara Stanny's "Secrets of Six-Figure Women" explores the mindset and strategies of women who have achieved financial success, earning six-figure incomes or more.

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