Rewiring Your Brain - Deepstash
Rewiring Your Brain

Rewiring Your Brain

Negative: Money is the root of all evil.

Affirmation: Money is a tool that can be used for good and to improve lives.

Negative: Rich people are greedy and selfish.

Affirmation: Wealthy people have the means to be generous and make a positive impact.

Negative: I'll never be able to make a lot of money.

Affirmation: I can increase my income and build wealth.

Negative: Money doesn't grow on trees.

Affirmation: There are abundant opportunities to earn and grow money.

Negative: I'm not good with money.

Affirmation: I am learning to manage my finances wisely and make smart money decisions.


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Rush Research Expert

Barbara Stanny's "Secrets of Six-Figure Women" explores the mindset and strategies of women who have achieved financial success, earning six-figure incomes or more.

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