7 Mental Barriers Holding You Back (And How to Break Them Today) - Deepstash
7 Mental Barriers Holding You Back (And How to Break Them Today)

7 Mental Barriers Holding You Back (And How to Break Them Today)

Curated from: cosmopolitanmindset.substack.com

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We didn't ask for our mental barriers!

We didn't ask for our mental barriers!

We didn’t ask for these mental barriers. They showed up. Over the years, they’ve woven themselves deep into our minds, subtly but consistently pulling the strings. They hold us back, keeping us from the success we crave.

Did you ever feel like your motivation evaporates the second you get angry? Or did you ever find yourself paralyzed by decisions you should’ve made days ago?


48 reads

Fight back your insecurities

Fight back your insecurities

Does it sound familiar? You’re not alone.

These invisible forces — overthinking, anxiety, stress, laziness, sadness, anger, and burnout — sabotage our progress daily, derailing us when we least expect it.

And here’s the worst part: if you don’t fight back, they’ll win. But if you learn to crush these barriers, you’ll stop being a victim of your mind. Instead, breaking them will become another part of your daily routine.

In this article, you’ll discover seven brutally effective strategies to break down those barriers. Ready to stop letting them rule your life?


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The Challenge

The Challenge

You're reading an excerpt from The Challenge — a weekly newsletter dedicated to self-improvement, goal-setting, habits, time management, and health tips.

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  • A life-enhancing challenge
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The 7 Mental Barriers That Hold You Back

The 7 Mental Barriers That Hold You Back

Everyone has mental barriers, but few people realize how much they shape their reality. Some of us overthink everything, while others crumble under pointless decisions. The cruel irony? Most of us don’t even have a strategy for fighting back.

Instead, we surrender. We let these barriers define us. We make excuses, telling ourselves "That’s who I am." But that’s a lie. Your mind is under siege by your thoughts, and instead of fighting back, you’re letting them run the show.

It is time for a change.

If you're reading this, you are ready.


33 reads

1 — Anger

1 — Anger

Anger is more than an emotion. It’s a ticking time bomb, a mental trap that strengthens when you let it win. When I was younger, I had no control over my rage. It would flare up, and I’d lash out, hurting the people closest to me.

If you don’t master it, anger will destroy you from the inside out. It strips away your motivation, snuffs out your creativity, and leaves you with nothing but a desire to tear everything down. Worst of all, it makes you lose control — and that’s when things get dangerous. For you. For everyone around you.

So, how do you stop this ticking bomb before it blows?


31 reads

How to Break Anger

How to Break Anger

If anger feels like a daily battle, therapy is a game-changer. But if you’re not at that stage yet, here’s a trick you probably won’t believe — until you try it.

Next time you feel anger boiling up, sing.

Yes, sing.

It sounds ridiculous, right? But the moment you start singing, you’ll catch your brain off guard. Your mind won’t know what to do, and you’ll be too distracted to stay angry. For the first few minutes, it will feel awkward. But keep going for 5–10 minutes, and that anger will vanish. Trust me, it works.


28 reads

2 — Burnout

2 — Burnout

Burnout isn’t being tired. It’s a full-on collapse of your motivation, creativity, and purpose. You start feeling unstoppable, working late into the night, riding on that initial surge of passion. But over time, the cracks show up. The inspiration fades, and your energy drains. And one day, you realize you’ve hit a wall.

Burnout makes you feel like you’ve run out of ideas — like you’ve said everything worth saying, and now you are empty. But you’re not out of ideas. You sank into the noise of a cluttered mind, and you’ve forgotten how to find your way back.


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How to Break Burnout

How to Break Burnout

Are you waiting for the burnout to fix itself? Good luck with that. The longer you sit in that state, the deeper you sink.

So, what’s the escape route? One simple, powerful move: take a walk.

When you walk, your brain enters a free-flowing state, generating new ideas naturally. You’re not forcing inspiration; you’re inviting it. Sure, some ideas will be duds, but you only need one great thought to snap out of that mental block.

So, don’t sit around waiting for it to lift. Step outside, move, and let your mind wander. It might be the reset button you’ve been waiting for.


27 reads

3 — Overthinking

3 — Overthinking

Overthinking is a slow poison. It creeps in when you’re excited about something — a new project, upcoming trip, or big decision. At first, everything feels promising. Then the questions start.

You overthink until you bury your excitement under a mountain of doubts.

Overthinking doesn’t ruin your mood; it kills your momentum. You end up paralyzed, unable to decide, let alone enjoy the moment.

You miss opportunities because you’re stuck in your head, obsessing over every detail, every possible outcome.


29 reads

How to Break Overthinking

How to Break Overthinking

The power of overthinking comes from one place: your mind keeps spinning because everything stays trapped inside. Want to break the cycle? Get it out of your head — and onto paper.

Writing is your weapon against overthinking. When you write down your thoughts, something incredible happens: you can see how absurd most of them are. Suddenly, those swirling doubts and “what-ifs” lose their grip on you.

So, grab a pen the next time your mind goes into overdrive. Write down every ridiculous, anxious thought. You will realize its weakness once it's out in the open.


30 reads

4 — Anxiety

4 — Anxiety

Anxiety is a brutal thief. It steals your confidence, peace of mind, and ability to live in the moment. I know it too well.

Back in school, my social anxiety was so intense that I convinced myself everyone was watching and judging me. It didn’t matter if they were or not — in my mind, I was the center of their negative attention.

Anxiety doesn’t stop there. It feeds on your insecurities, twisting them into fears that trap you in your head. You second-guess everything, avoid new experiences, and slowly shrink into a smaller version of yourself.


22 reads

How to Break Anxiety

How to Break Anxiety

If anxiety runs your life, you need professional help. There’s no shame in that. But for those moments of creeping anxiety that hit you out of nowhere, here’s a quick, effective fix: breathing exercises.

The first time I tried it, I was desperate. I couldn’t concentrate and calm my mind - so I gave it a shot. Breathing exercises were the first step toward breaking free.

Here’s how it works: anxiety ties to your nervous system. And when you control your breath, you hack into that system. With 10 minutes of mindful breathing, you can dial down that overwhelming panic.


20 reads

5 — Stress

5 — Stress

Stress is everywhere. A 2018 study showed that 74% of people feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with stress - odds are you’re in that camp, too.

The worst part? Stress sneaks up on you. You could handle a dozen things, but suddenly, one more tiny responsibility tips the scale, and now everything feels impossible.

Stress is tricky because it doesn’t always come from one source. You can’t point to one thing, cut it out, and move on. Sometimes, even if you know what’s causing it, you can’t escape. Your job, your responsibilities, your life — these aren’t things you can walk away from.


19 reads

How to Break Stress

How to Break Stress

Have you ever noticed what happens to your body when you are stressed?

Your muscles tighten, your breathing gets shallow, and you feel like a coiled spring. That physical tension only makes your stress worse.

What’s the fix? You already know it — exercise.

Exercise is like a reset button for your body and mind. When you work out, you burn calories and stress. Your muscles release tension, and your brain floods with endorphins, the body’s natural stress reliever. You become too exhausted to stay rigid and stressed. And you’ll relax without even trying.


22 reads

6 — Sadness

6 — Sadness

It’s normal to feel down once in a while. But when sadness lingers, it becomes a thief. It drains your motivation, drive, and sense of purpose.

It starts small — maybe a bad day — but then it sticks around, making it harder and harder to get out of bed.

Most people don’t deal with their sadness. They distract themselves. They bury their feelings in social media, mindless activities, or endless Netflix binges.

Sure, distractions help you feel better — for a while. But sooner or later, you’re right back where you started, facing the same sadness again.


20 reads

How to Break Sadness

How to Break Sadness

Sadness won’t go away because you ignore it. You have to face it head-on. And gratitude is the best way to do that.

I was stuck in a constant loop of sadness. I wanted to build confidence. But they gave me something powerful. They made me realize I had accomplished a lot. But I couldn't recognize it.

So grab a piece of paper and list what you’re grateful for. It will rewire your brain.

Start with your achievements in education, work, or personal life. Look at the progress you’ve made, the people who care about you, the things you have right now that others would dream of.


24 reads

7 — Laziness

7 — Laziness

Laziness is the silent killer of dreams. It sneaks up on you when you feel uninspired, overwhelmed, or unsure of where to start. And suddenly, you procrastinate, find excuses, and watch the days slip by as your goals sit on the back burner.

But do you know what’s the worst part?

It feels comfortable. You know you should be doing more. Yet, doing nothing is easier.

But make no mistake — laziness isn’t harmless. It’s the enemy of progress. Every time you let it win, you lose momentum. And the more you procrastinate, the harder it becomes to get back on track.


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How to Break Laziness

How to Break Laziness

You need a hard reset. And nothing shocks your system like a cold shower.

Cold showers are an instant jolt to your senses. When that icy water hits your skin, your brain flips into survival mode. All your excuses, your hesitation, your laziness — they disappear.

It’s uncomfortable, sure, but that discomfort is what you need to shake off the lethargy and jumpstart your motivation.

Once the water stops, you’ll feel alive, energized, and ready to take action. So, the next time you catch yourself sinking into laziness, skip the snooze button and head for a cold shower. It’s brutal, but it works.


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Sometimes, simple mental barriers hold us back for so much time. Sometimes, they even become serious problems we don’t know how to fix.

Anger, overthinking, laziness — they are all mental barriers that forbid us to live a comfortable life. But they also give us the opportunity to improve.

So, this week, use all these simple tricks I shared with you every time you experience on of these seven mental barriers.




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Next Steps

Next Steps


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Passionate about self-improvement, personal growth, finance, and creativity. I love to inspire people to become the better version of themselves. Author @ www.cosmopolitanmindset.com


Discover 7 powerful strategies to break mental barriers like anger, stress, and anxiety, and boost your productivity, motivation, and mental well-being today.

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