The brain’s default mode network - Deepstash
The Halloween Collection

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Navigating and enjoying the thrill of horror and scare experiences

Historical knowledge of Halloween and its origins

Understanding and appreciating Halloween traditions worldwide

The Halloween Collection

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The brain’s default mode network

The brain’s default mode network

Engaging this network helps us to make meaning out of our experiences, empathize with others, be more creative and reflect on our own mental and emotional states. 

In order to do this, it’s necessary to break away from the distractions.


786 reads


Silence relieves tension

Silence relieves tension

Noise pollution may lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks, as well as impairing hearing and overall health. Loud noises raise stress levels by activating the brain’s amygdala and causing the release of the stress hormone cortisol, according to research.

Silence has the opposite e...


1K reads

Seeking silence

Seeking silence

As our internal and external environments become louder and louder, more people are beginning to seek out silence, whether through a practice of sitting quietly for 10 minutes every morning or heading off to a 10-day silent retreat.


1.22K reads

Regenerating brain cells

Regenerating brain cells

Silence can quite literally grow the brain.

Research found that two hours of silence daily led to the development of new cells in the hippocampus, a key brain region associated with learning, memory and emotion.


1.18K reads

Silence and our mental resources

Silence and our mental resources

The constant attentional demands of modern life put a significant burden on the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is involved in high-order thinking, decision-making and problem-solving.

When we can finally get away from these sonic disruptions, our brains’ attention centers have the...


871 reads




"The more you understand yourself, the more silence there is, the healthier you are." - Maxime Lagacé

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