3. People Live In Bubbles - Deepstash
3. People Live In Bubbles

3. People Live In Bubbles

  • People live in a world of their own, or bubbles. They don't think alike.
  • People's way of thinking benefits them, or at least they think it does. For example, he thinks smoking is good for him because of stress, but it's actually bad for him.
  • People live in bubbles; that's why they are obsessed with their ideas/opinions. They think that this is the reality

How to get rid of it:

1. You have to reduce the Ego.

2. You have to learn other perspectives.

3. You don't have to defend everything; it's just your perspective, not the truth.


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Don't Worry What Others Think

Focus on yourself and do not worry about what other people are going to think.

People will always base their opinions on what worked for them. Don't follow the choices of other people if they don't work for you.

Surround yourself with the right people

Surround yourself with the right people

Happiness is contagious. 

Surrounding yourself with happy people builds confidence and stimulates creativity, and it's flat-out fun. 

Hanging around negative people has the opposite effect -- they want people to join their pity party so that they can feel better about themselves. 


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