The Understanding People Series 1 (1.-7.) - Deepstash
The Understanding People Series 1 (1.-7.)

The Understanding People Series 1 (1.-7.)

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1. Ego

1. Ego

  • One's ego differs depending on the way one was brought up, the place where one grew up, the country, etc.
  • Ego to a healthy degree can help in achieving goals and generally things we want to gain.
  • However, ego makes us selfish, not thinking of others, and also makes us vulnerable to manipulation, as we will seek ways that satisfy our ego.

If someone:

1. Is 'absorbed' in who they are

2. They have a need to share their opinion but not listen to others

3. They are emotionally attached to their beliefs.

Then ego speaks.


113 reads

2. Projection

2. Projection

Psychological projection: Projection of ideas or feelings onto something or someone.

You see the world from your perspective, not as it really is. When you see someone, you don't see them as they really are, how they actually behave. We know very little about others in reality. When you see someone, you know very little about them.

Carl Jung said, We have 3 personalities:

1. How we present ourselves to others.

2. Our character that we don't know we have.

3. The real you. The whole real us.


91 reads

3. People Live In Bubbles

3. People Live In Bubbles

  • People live in a world of their own, or bubbles. They don't think alike.
  • People's way of thinking benefits them, or at least they think it does. For example, he thinks smoking is good for him because of stress, but it's actually bad for him.
  • People live in bubbles; that's why they are obsessed with their ideas/opinions. They think that this is the reality

How to get rid of it:

1. You have to reduce the Ego.

2. You have to learn other perspectives.

3. You don't have to defend everything; it's just your perspective, not the truth.


70 reads

4. The Need For Belonging

4. The Need For Belonging

Humans are social animals. People need a sense of belonging because they feel safe.

The need to belong is very strong. That's why many people can be manipulated through group thinking (e.g. the Charles Manson case) because they don't want to be rejected by the group.

However, the intense need to belong can lead you;

  • to think less objectively and affect you negatively.
  • You also become more easily vulnerable to manipulation and losing yourself.

-This doesn't mean that you shouldn't step out of your comfort zone, but be careful not to be too eager to fit in.


66 reads

5.Scarsity Mindset

5.Scarsity Mindset

The scarcity mindset is the frame of mind where something is not enough, in short supply, or there are not many opportunities.

  • This scarcity mentality will be elevated in countries where the most 'valuable' things exist.
  • If you understand someone who has this way of thinking, you can also understand why they do what they do, e.g., 'There is not much time' or 'there are not many opportunities'
  • Marketing is using that mindset, e.g., Black Friday deals, we have to get them before they are gone!

More generally, you can see the scarcity mentality in small things that others do and in yourself.


59 reads

6. Self - Sabotage

6. Self - Sabotage

Essentially, self-sabotage is when you sabotage yourself from achieving a particular goal, usually because of fear of failure.

  • Self-sabotage is common; if you don't stop it, it will be like going in circles.
  • Most people don't realize they are self-sabotaging.

To overcome it;

1. you need to see and envision what you want to be (with a realistic purpose).

2.Then you need to think about how you are going to achieve it.

3. Try to adopt it as a part of yourself.

4. You have to step out of your comfort zone.

In what ways do you prevent yourself from achieving a goal? How can you change that?


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