Give Honest & Sincere Appreciation - Deepstash
Give Honest & Sincere Appreciation

Give Honest & Sincere Appreciation

Appreciation is a powerful motivator. Sincere praise and recognition can boost morale, foster goodwill, and strengthen relationships


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Appreciation and flattery

  • Flattery is selfish and insincere. It’s cheap praise. You tell the other person precisely what he thinks about himself.
  • Appreciation is unselfish and sincere. It happens when we stop thinking about ourselves and begin to think of the other person’s good points.

Leading with appreciation

With employees out of sight, it's essential to address issues promptly.

One good approach is to lead with appreciation. Harsh feedback will likely lead team members to react defensively, rather than taking your comments as constructive. A study found 57% of employees prefer corrective ...

Appreciation and recognition

To build a strong, healthy culture, create a channel where people can thank, praise, or give recognition to one another. It increases positive communication in organizations, which in turn increases performance.

  • Thanking others increases the likelihood of helpfulness.

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