Confidence - Deepstash


Confidence is the belief that you have value. It's the belief that if someone rejects you, it doesn't mean you are a pathetic loser and don't deserve to be with anyone. It just means that the person has different tastes than you do.

Don't wait for something to happen to "prove" that you have worth, such as "If I make more money, I'll be confident" or "If I lose weight, I'll be confident."

You have to take a leap of faith. You have to start believing you have worth and value right now, even if you don't see it. Act like it's there, even if you think it's not.


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While it may be true that love isn't an algorithm, there are a lot of things you can do to optimise your odds of finding it. Here are a few things people who find love easily have that others don't :

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