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The Power of Courage

The Power of Courage

Even the most confident people are just as scared as you are, but they don't let it hold them back. Courage is facing your fears head-on.

Here's how to be brave and form connections:

  • Don't let fear stop you
  • Show interest and engage in conversation
  • Take the first step and approach people
  • Be willing to face rejection
  • Remember that we all have fears.

With courage, you can build meaningful relationships and overcome any obstacle. 💪


219 reads



Confidence is the belief that you have value. It's the belief that if someone rejects you, it doesn't mean you are a pathetic loser and don't deserve to be with anyone. It just means that the person has different tastes than you do.

Don't wait for something to happen to "prove" that you have worth, such as "If I make more money, I'll be confident" or "If I lose weight, I'll be confident."

You have to take a leap of faith. You have to start believing you have worth and value right now, even if you don't see it. Act like it's there, even if you think it's not.


167 reads



Kindness means treating others well even if you don't particularly like them or don't want anything from them, as long as they treat you well in return. It's not the same as being "nice," which is often just a shallow attempt to avoid conflict or please others.

True kindness begins with being kind to yourself, setting healthy boundaries, and making choices based on what is right, rather than seeking validation or rewards. It's not always easy, but being truly kind is a powerful tool.


158 reads

Direct Communication

Direct Communication

Be direct. If you want to know if someone fancies you, ask. If you're unsure of what they mean, ask. Don't waste time trying to decipher vague signs and hints. While others are finding love, you're stuck overthinking. 🚀

Talk to your crush and ask them out. You'll save yourself a lot of time and confusion. Instead of wondering why others have luck in love, be direct and make your own luck. 💘


165 reads



Integrity constitutes:

  • Honesty - saying what you mean, not misleading or manipulating others.
  • Trustworthiness - meaning what you say, even if you feel hurt or the other person does something you don't like.
  • Not taking advantage of others - this goes back to kindness.
  • Consistency - other people see that you're reliable and can be trusted to keep your word.


158 reads



Hurting is inevitable. At some point, your heart will break. How you handle it reveals your true character.

🚫Do you build walls or lash out in pain? This only causes more pain.
👍Accept pain as a part of life. Believe you can get through it. Come out stronger.
💪You survived it! You can be hurt and still know you'll be okay. No need to fear it anymore.💫


146 reads



This means being open with who you are and what you want. It relates back to direct communication, but it also means not trying to hide things for fear of scaring off a potential partner.

Key concept: Being true to yourself.

Don't be afraid to show your true self to others. Someone who is scared off by a part of you isn't the right match for you.


129 reads



Treat people as individuals. Women are people. Men are people. Non-binary people are people.

If you are trying to figure out what "men want" or what "women want", then you are thinking of them as a vague lump and not as individuals.

Treating people as individuals will take you 60% of the way towards finding love in abundance.


138 reads



The best way to protect your heart is to be vulnerable, and not build high walls or fortresses around yourself.

If you build a fortress around your heart, respectful people will respect your boundaries and stay away. The only people who will get close to you are those who don't respect boundaries and bulldoze through your walls. You will get hurt and will build even bigger walls, and only a full-blown psychopath will be able to get in.

Expect kindness and have healthy boundaries. If someone treats you poorly, don't assume that others will do the same. 🫶


126 reads



Be yourself. Be who you are. Don't think "well, girls only like this and that" or "guys want blah blah blah" and then try to conform to that. If it works, you have just shot yourself in the foot. Because guess what? You've just attracted a partner who is looking for something you're not. Good luck making that relationship work!

There are people out there who share your weirdness. You'll find them by being openly, unabashedly, and proudly who you are.


119 reads

Respect for Autonomy

Respect for Autonomy

Other people do not exist for the purpose of giving you what you need. They have their own needs and desires.

It's okay to say "Honey, I feel uncomfortable when you have male friends because it makes me worried that you might replace me. Can you talk to me and tell me what you like and value about me so I can work through this insecurity?" ✅

It's not okay to say "Honey, I feel uncomfortable when you have male friends, so I don't want you to talk to other men." 🚫

It is really NOT OK to say "Honey, give me your phone so I can check and make sure you're not talking to other men." ❌


106 reads

Abundance Thinking

Abundance Thinking

How you think shapes the world you live in. What you believe influences how you behave. 🌎

When you have a scarcity mindset that says love is hard to find, you act in ways that make you look desperate. But when you have an abundance mindset, opportunities for love are all around. 🚪

👉 This belief can make it easier to be confident, open, and authentic. When opportunities for love are abundant, there's no need to act desperate or force things. 💕


108 reads



Join me to unlock your full potential. Exploring the areas of personal development, entrepreneurship, relationships, and personal finance. Also available on Instagram @bookpandanotes


While it may be true that love isn't an algorithm, there are a lot of things you can do to optimise your odds of finding it. Here are a few things people who find love easily have that others don't :

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