Learn to Be Bored - Deepstash
Learn to Be Bored

Learn to Be Bored

Being bored may feel unappealing, but it's actually beneficial! It helps you pay attention, be aware, and remember better. Plus, it's a break from all the clutter in your mind. So don't be afraid to relax and let yourself get bored. 🧘🏼‍♂️

Next time you're bored, embrace it. It's the perfect time to be present and recharge. Use your attention wisely and let it wander. You'll be amazed at what you discover. 🌳


44 reads




Join me to unlock your full potential. Exploring the areas of personal development, entrepreneurship, relationships, and personal finance. Also available on Instagram @bookpandanotes

Lessons I learned from a 'Time Management' course.

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