Beat Procrastination With Practical Tips - Deepstash
Beat Procrastination With Practical Tips

Beat Procrastination With Practical Tips

Ideas, facts & insights covering these topics:

6 ideas


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Limit Passive Content Consumption

Limit Passive Content Consumption

📺 Watching endless content leads to wasted time and missed opportunities. Here's how to break the cycle and take back your productivity:

  1. 🔔 Subscribe only to your favorite content
  2. 🙊 Turn on silent notifications
  3. 🚫 Avoid algorithm-generated content on the Home Page
  4. ⏰ Schedule browsing time and limit it
  5. 🌳 Ditch your TV for more active hobbies

💡 Be intentional with your media consumption and regain control of your time and energy. 👀


66 reads

Your Attention Currency

Your Attention Currency

Your attention is valuable and can run out quickly. It's important to take breaks that don't require your full attention. Next time you need a break, try one of these activities:

  1. Look out of the window 🌳
  2. Drink some tea ☕
  3. Stretch your body 🧘‍♂️
  4. Take a walk outside 🚶‍♀️
  5. Clean your room 🧹
  6. Practice meditation 🧘‍♀️
  7. Talk to a friend 🫶


60 reads

Tips for Getting Started

Tips for Getting Started

Don't aim for perfection, just start. Instead of studying everything in theory, focus on the 20% that gives 80% of the results.🎯

Divide your work into smaller parts and challenge yourself with tasks that are manageable yet challenging.

  • If it feels too easy, make it more challenging.
  • If it feels too difficult, make it easier.

Starting is the most important step, don't let the fear of not being good enough stop you.

Remember, perfect is the enemy of good.


49 reads

Learn to Be Bored

Learn to Be Bored

Being bored may feel unappealing, but it's actually beneficial! It helps you pay attention, be aware, and remember better. Plus, it's a break from all the clutter in your mind. So don't be afraid to relax and let yourself get bored. 🧘🏼‍♂️

Next time you're bored, embrace it. It's the perfect time to be present and recharge. Use your attention wisely and let it wander. You'll be amazed at what you discover. 🌳


44 reads

Live Intentionally

Live Intentionally

- Don't go through life on autopilot.

- Be aware of your daily habits.

- Notice when you pick up your phone instinctively.

- Create a big widget on your home screen for your top 4 tasks of the day.

👀 Be mindful and intentional in your actions 🌟


50 reads


Sucking at something is the first step to being good at it.



62 reads



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Lessons I learned from a 'Time Management' course.


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