Bite-Sized Learning: What Is It, Its Benefits and Importance - Deepstash

Bite-Sized Learning: What Is It, Its Benefits and Importance

We each learn differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. While some have a photographic memory and can quickly absorb knowledge, others may require deep study and concentration. Effective learning strategies are crucial to staying ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced world, where knowledge is everything. Many are just now learning about the benefits of bite-sized learning, an exciting learning strategy. This unique style of digesting facts and information benefits both students and adults. If you’ve been struggling to increase your knowledge of a subject, topic, or concept, bite-sized learning may be the key to unlocking the things that have been difficult for you to grasp.

Deepstash Team • 9 minute read

Bite-Sized Learning: What Is It, Its Benefits and Importance Image

What Is Bite-Sized Learning?

Deepstash's Stashy explaining Bite-Sized Learning

Bite-sized learning is an educational technique that breaks down information into small, easily absorbed pieces. This learning style is quite basic, yet many attempting to learn something new, especially complex concepts, can quickly become overwhelmed and confused, leading to frustration and panic. Focusing only on a small chunk of information at a time can lessen these stressors.

It can be frightening to learn a massive amount of information simultaneously. For some, this puts a damper on the learning process due to fears of being unable to retain it through cramming and intensive study. Bite-sized learning helps eliminate this kind of pressure, which is counterproductive to learning. Imagine retaining a large amount of information in a short amount of time, a common goal of many students. Bite-sized learning is an easy way to accomplish this.

This learning strategy is beneficial not only for students and business professionals looking to up their game but also for those with a natural curiosity. Rather than endless doomscrolling or zoning out on your socials, why not dive into a topic you are interested in or fascinated with? Bite-sized learning can help you better understand what you want to know but thought the concept was out of your realm.

Benefits of Bite-Sized Learning Illustration with Stashy

How a key idea looks within Deepstash

Adopt Bite-Sized Learning

The bite-sized learning approach, as implied by its name, involves absorbing information in small segments or dedicating brief periods to study sessions. Given the ongoing decrease in attention spans in the 21st century, it's increasingly crucial to limit study sessions to 1-15 minutes per learning objective. The concentration maintained during these short intervals enhances the effectiveness of learning.

11k people saved this idea

The idea format used by Deepstash is important because it condenses complex concepts and profound thoughts into easy to understand sentences. It makes ideas easier to apply in daily life, helping you to make positive changes and achieve your goals.

Benefits of Bite-Sized Learning

Bite-sized learning can take many forms. It’s not so much about retaining information (although it does this) as about creating the habit of learning in short, power-packed bursts. Rather than the necessity of enduring long sessions of study, bite-sized learning can prove to be more effective. Here are some of the many benefits of this way of learning.

  • Improved Retention and Comprehension

    Rather than trying to cram a lot of information into one long, intense study session, bite-sized learning encourages shorter yet highly focused study sessions. Many students find it easier to ingest information when it’s broken down into easily digested chunks, which results in improved retention of concepts, facts, and ideas. The repetition required for bite-sized learning helps to increase comprehension. shorter yet highly focused study

  • Increased Motivation & Less Learner's Fatigue

    The quicker we learn and retain new information, the more motivated we are to continue. This motivation is based on accepting small victories as meaningful accomplishments. Breaking learning material into smaller chunks makes each task more manageable and easy to digest. Several small victories add up to a sense of accomplishment. Learners who feel less overwhelmed tend to be more motivated to continue their studies.

  • You don't need to plan or schedule a learning session

    With the bite-sized learning technique, there’s no need to block out extended periods of uninterrupted study time. Learners aren’t locked into absorbing mass amounts of information on various topics, which can sometimes lead to boredom or fatigue. Short study blasts can fit into even the most hectic schedules by utilizing time more effectively.

  • Personalized Study on what you are naturally interested

    Bite-sized learning allows students to customize their lessons. No two students learn the same way, so this technique allows them to focus on what works best for them. Adjusting the study pace and using different study aids can help students tailor their studies for maximum retention and comprehension. This freedom to choose what works best for them helps to quicken the learning process.

  • Bite-sized learning is viable for those with short attention span

    In today’s digital world, which is dominated by short-term or short-form content, many of us have lost the ability to stay focused and interested in anything for longer than a few seconds. Without that quick dopamine rush that happens when we see something that intrigues us, we immediately go back to mindlessly scrolling for something more interesting.

    Bite-sized learning, which involves short periods, can be better tolerated by those who struggle with a limited attention span.

Examples of Bite-Sized Learning

Bite-sized learning comes in many forms and is only limited by your imagination. Very often the form factors in which you enable bite-sized learning or microlearning are the same or very similar. Despite learning in short bursts of time, this technique is often much better than an extended learning session. Taking advantage of different teaching aids can help to mix things up and prevent boredom or burnout.

Infographic on Devices Used for Bite-sized Learning on Deepstash

When it comes to the preferred medium under which people are practicing this concept of bite-sized learning or knowledge chunking, mobile seems to be an obvious choice, since concepts like mobile learning and spaced repetition are so easily performed on mobile devices. However, the desktop isn't that far off.

We've sampled 1.000.000 user Sessions on Deepstash to discover that plenty of users actually look for interesting information about various subjects regardless of form factor or device type. 53% of the users looking for interesting insights, the kind one may find encapsulated on Deepstash's flashcard ideas, are discovered on mobile, yet a pretty interesting segment is found on desktop, with over 45% of the people looking for interesting facts about psychology, science facts, productivity tips or even sci-fi insights are using a laptop.

It all comes down to having access to information that is easy to space out and split into easy to digest chunks, instead of allotting extended periods of time. As such, bite sized learning is a perfect match with the notion of being a continuous learner or lifelong learner.

While there are many ways to refer to content chunking as bite-sized knowledge, there are a couple of elements that define the key aspects of a bite-sized learning app, platform or any other form of application.

  • Interactive Learning

    Interactive Learning example on Deepstash

    Rather than attending long online or in-person seminars with little to no interaction, interactive learning allows learners to participate in what’s being discussed. Usually lasting much less time than a formal seminar, this type of bite-sized learning focuses on simulations, scenario-based exercises, or even question-and-answer sessions. This allows the learner to play an active part in the learning process.

    Interactive learning is often accomplished through social interaction or elements that enable one to participate in the sourcing and conveying of information, similar to the authoring tools we're offering on Deepstash.

  • Spaced Repetition

    Spaced Repetition example on Deepstash

    Practicing something repeatedly reinforces information retention. However, endless hours of repetition can lead to boredom and disinterest and aren’t helpful to learning. When lessons are broken down into chunks of smaller bits of information spread out over time, learners tend to retain information and ideas more effectively. Bite-sized learning isn’t so much about retaining information but building robust and healthy study habits.

  • Gamified Learning

    Gamified Learning example through achievements on Deepstash

    Learning can be fun when lessons are turned into game-based activities. A rewards-based game can keep learners engaged, even if it's as basic as becoming the top scoreholder or seeing a silly video after completing a lesson. Quizzes, simulations, and active role-playing games that help players understand facts and concepts in an entertaining way can be more effective than traditional teaching methods. When information is presented in game form, learning becomes more than just learning.

  • Flashcards

    GIF with Flashcards examples by flicking ideas on Deepstash

    Whether old-school and homemade or online and digital, flashcards are a good example of bite-sized learning and can be incorporated easily into your learning schedule. Even if used only for a few minutes each day, flashcards are an easy way to test your skills and increase your knowledge in a fun and non-demanding manner through repetition.

  • Podcasts

    Far too many good podcasts are available to mention even a tenth of them, and you can easily incorporate them into your learning schedule. No matter what the topic or your area of interest, you can find what you’re looking for. Most well-done podcasts are engaging and contain helpful information. The best part is that you can listen to them at your leisure and fall under the umbrella of bite-sized training.

  • Blogs

    Many blogs can provide short-form content that’s easily absorbed. With thousands of different topics to explore, blogs can provide learners with concise content and limited fluff. From how-to articles with easy-to-understand step-by-step formats and bullet points explaining key concepts to others offering real-life experiences, blogs are a good alternative to reading textbooks or other longer-format content.

  • Infographics

    An example of an Infographic about what is Bite-sized Learning

What Is the Difference Between Bite-Sized Learning and Microlearning?

There’s been some debate about whether bite-sized learning and microlearning are the same. While some feel it’s a futile argument of semantics, others believe they are two distinct learning styles, each with its nuances. However, for the sake of argument, here’s a general overview of their differences.

  • Bite-sized learning vs Microlearning Scope

    Bite-Sized Learning - The scope of bite-sized learning is generally wide-reaching and refers to breaking a large topic down into more easily handled segments.

    Microlearning - The scope of microlearning is understanding a specific topic or task. It’s generally used to learn a more profound function of a topic or procedure.

  • Bite-sized learning vs Microlearning Format

    Bite-Sized Learning - Trivia, Fun Facts, Tips come off as the best way to manifest bite-sized learning, as these could be easily fit into flashcards, articles, podcasts or short-form content that is not very use case or goal centered. Think of Bite-sized learning as more of a free-form type of learning, like a toy, a play session that is not very goal-centric.

    Microlearning - Information is usually obtained on a very specific subject or area of interest for quick digestion that doesn’t require much time. Microlearning is very often associated with breaking down a concepts into smaller pieces, as such, most of the form factors described above are viable here too, yet the approach to information is key here, as the ultimate goal of Microlearning is to achieve knowledge about a subject, like in a game, one completes the smaller steps to win the reward, as opposed to the free-form process of bite-sized learning.

  • Bite-sized learning vs Microlearning Objectives

    Bite-Sized Learning - The main objective here is to take a broader topic and break it down into smaller, more easily digestible segments. The goal is to learn a lot about a broader topic in small chunks.

    Microlearning - Microlearning aims to quickly comprehend a more minor facet of a topic, concept, or task. They typically don’t have a long-term learning goal, and the need is more for the present moment.

Either way, both are suitable methods for absorbing information quickly without the need for extensive study or research. Microlearning is more about learning something specific, while bite-sized learning is about breaking down a bigger topic or subject into smaller pieces of study material.

Suggestions on How to Incorporate Bite-Sized Learning

infographic about how users prefer to practice chunked learning on Deepstash

Students, business professionals, and anyone else looking to improve their skills or overall knowledge can greatly benefit from incorporating bite-sized learning into their lives. Teachers and creators can help others by creating content that can assist those looking to expand their informational horizons.

We've discovered that people on Deepstash still prefer to consume our main form-factor, the flashcards that people love to create, share, and learn from, through plain, old text.

While this is not really surprising, as very often a session of learning through this content chunking method last around 5-10 minutes, skimming through text might be faster than scrubbing the audio timeline, which surprisingly is used by a pretty niche audience. There are however people that prefer a blend of reading and listening to ideas, facts, tips, or insights about money, investment, science, tech, even history or health.

Beyond this actual example, here are some of the key aspects you should consider when looking for ways to put bite-sized learning into practice:

  • Break up Content Into Short Modules

    Deepstash example of breaking up a topic in smaller modules

    Bite-sized learning works best with a large or broad topic that can be easily broken down into much smaller segments. Easy-to-understand knowledge nuggets presented without much distraction are excellent for this learning style. Break down the broader topic into interesting modules, much like the chapters of a textbook; however, they can be much more specific.

  • Keep to One Topic

    Example of how bite-sized ideas are nested to a topic on Deepstash

    Keep each module to one topic so as not to overwhelm the learner with far too much information and details. This helps ensure that learners are given the key takeaways from a lesson without unnecessary information. The point is to deliver concise information on one topic and not to overwhelm the learner.

  • Use Different Types of Multimedia

    Bite-sized Learning available through multimedia on Deepstash

    Various types of media can keep learners engaged and excited. This can be accomplished using videos, quizzes, games, infographics, and problem-solving activities. Not only will varying the media keep learners interested, but it can also accommodate those with different learning styles.

Why Is Bite-Sized Learning Effective?

Stashy explaining the Effectiveness of Bite-Sized Learning

This learning technique is effective for a few different reasons. This is not only because different people learn differently but because it goes much deeper than how people learn. This low-pressure way of learning that’s highly focused and engaging keeps learners coming back for more. Long learning sessions aren’t for everyone, especially those who have a casual interest in a topic and looking to increase their knowledge.

When complex topics are introduced to learners in smaller and more easily digestible chunks, information is easier to retain. When there are fewer things to remember, it’s more likely that they won’t be forgotten. With less pressure to retain information, learning something new doesn’t seem as overwhelming and challenging. Short, focused lessons provide the maximum amount of information without taking up a lot of time.

  • Engaging
  • Flexible
  • Doesn’t require a lot of time
  • Can be done anyplace at anytime
  • Isn’t overwhelming

Further Exploration: Learn more about Bite-sized Learning and related Concepts

Bite-sized Learning, content chunking or bite-sized knowledge is strongly related to Microlearning to the point of it becoming synonimous, yet it still has a couple of features of its own that make it stand out. Check out some of our Journey Collections that help put this concept into perspective

  1. Lifelong Learners: Knowledge Chunking is one of the preffered methods of aquiring knowledge by anyone who practices the concept of lifelong learning. Discover hundreds of user curated insights from books, articles and more!

  2. The Wisdom of Continous Learning: The concept of Continous Learning has been explored for ages, as we always sought knowledge, we percieved it as power. Discover how bite-sized learning ties into the concept of Continous Learning

  3. Doom-Scrolling & The Dark Side of Social Media: Social Media has its due credit to enabling Bite-sized Learning, yet doomscrolling became the very thing Bite-sized learning intends to aleviate. Check out interesting facts and insights about Doomscrolling!

  4. The Key Benefits of Micro-Learning : Microlearning and Bite-sized Learning are often percieved as synonimous, as they both harness breaking up content into digestible pieces. Discover key insights about Microlearning curated by our community!

Bite-sized Learning has gained a lot of traction ever since people are looking back at the time they waste flicking reels and tiktoks. Cuting that behaviour might indeed not be the best idea, as at the end of the day we're having fun, but when it comes to doing something more meaningfull withe that spare time, this might just be the right aproach.

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