12 Best Microlearning Apps/Platforms [2024 Ultimate Guide] - Deepstash

12 Best Microlearning Apps/Platforms [2024 Ultimate Guide]

The rise of short-form content consumption emerges not just as a trend but as a natural response to the modern user's craving for quick, digestible information. This inclination towards brief content snippets is vividly illustrated by the popularity of platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels, which serve up flickable capsules of entertainment and information, distilling complex ideas into simple digests.

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12 Best Microlearning Apps/Platforms [2024 Ultimate Guide] Image

This shift towards brevity in content consumption reflects a broader view on our behavior, with 'infobesity' where having access to so much information becomes not just overwhelming, but leaves us with an illusion of choice that paves way to what are essentially mobile, shortform digests.

It’s easy to see how even Youtube, longform video bastion introduced Shorts, and it’s banking on it. While the concept was released in 2021 to the large public, now, in 2024 the trend has really picked up pace, with Shorts now being a key figure for advertisers and creators alike.

Infographic: YouTube Shorts Is Already a Firm Favorite Among Advertisers | Statista

What is a microlearning app or platform?

Microlearning apps and platforms are forms of applying the core principles and benefits of microlearning through mobile apps, websites and pages or even full blown online software like an LMS, that covers extensive amounts of courses, topics and resources. The core purpose of these Microlearning applications is to enable users, frontline workers, organisation members, employees or pretty much everyone, to consume content in the form of bite-sized chunks, or generally sort-form content that can be followed through in 1-2 minutes or up to 10 minutes per burst.

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Short videos or audio clips, micro-courses, flashcards and other forms of learning nuggets or micro-contentmicro-content, are very often the main form factor that a microlearning app uses to contain, display and condense key ideas, information or knowledge. Thus, mobile microlearning achieves the goal of enabling the benefits of bite sized content, micro-content, knowledge nuggets or other similar learning concepts in a very convenient manner. What would otherwise require a lengthy time investment to understand, remember and practice, is now easier than ever due to the natural relation between our devices and our way of consuming information.

In positioning microlearning as a healthy habit-building alternative to doomscrolling, these bite sized learning apps became an expected response to clocking 2-3 hours/day flicking reels and tiktoks, where now people are starting to look for more meaningful ways to spend their commute, coffee break or general scenarios where you need to kill some time.

By harnessing the power of mobile learning and the trend of short-form content, these microlearning apps are a perfect match for the content consumer, who increasingly prefers to absorb actual information in concise, impactful bursts. This synergy between always on-demand mobile learning and the appetite for short-form content represents an expected, almost inevitable, evolution in how we consume information, practice skills and develop general knowledge.

Core features of a microlearning App

Microlearning apps do possess some distinct features that set them apart from other adjacent forms of Mobile Learning or eLearning like:

  • Gamification Elements - Features like points, badges, leaderboards, streaks, and challenges add a game-like element to learning apps, boosting motivation and encouraging continued engagement.
  • Social Learning Features & Community Engagement - Some apps include forms of Collaborative Learning through idea sharing, Creation Tools & Labs, or the ability to follow and interact with other users/creators, almost like a social media for vicarious learning.
  • Personalized Learning Paths - Many microlearning apps allow users to tailor their learning experience based on their interests, goals, and skill levels, providing a more relevant and focused learning journey.
  • True Multimedia - These apps often use a mix of text, images, audio, and video to present information, catering to different learning preferences and keeping the content dynamic and engaging.
  • Bite-Sized Content & Digests - Content is broken down into small, manageable learning nuggets that can be completed in just a few minutes, making it easier for learners to absorb and retain information.
  • Mobile-first Interface & UX - To accommodate learning anytime, anywhere, microlearning apps are typically accessible across multiple devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers.

So, why are microlearning apps becoming such a big thing? Well, they tap into our love for short, punchy content and turn it into a productive habit. Instead of doomscrolling, you could be picking up bits of knowledge or new skills, and it feels just as easy and addictive. It's like turning your guilty pleasure into something that's actually good for you.

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What is Microlearning?

Microlearning is an educational strategy focusing on delivering bite-sized content to learners, often through mobile apps. This method breaks down information into small, manageable units, making it easier to digest, remember, and apply. Microlearning apps utilize this approach to encourage continuous learning and habit-building, offering a productive alternative to doomscrolling.

By integrating learning into daily routines, these apps make education accessible and engaging, allowing users to acquire new knowledge and skills in short, focused sessions. This form of learning is particularly suited for mobile learning, enabling users to learn on-the-go and fitting seamlessly into busy schedules.

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The idea format used by Deepstash is important because it condenses complex concepts and profound thoughts into easy to understand sentences. It makes ideas easier to apply in daily life, helping you to make positive changes and achieve your goals.

How to pick the best microlearning app for you?

Microlearning platforms have been and are currently used, for the largest majority, by organizations, looking to train workers efficiently and at large scale or ensure that core bits of information are progressively assimilated by employees. For the most part, the Microlearning tools and solutions you could find on the market were leaning a lot more towards a model of micro-LMS (Learning Management Systems) for frontline workers and branching out of those as a fun, quicker alternative.

However, with concepts like gamification, bite-sized learning on mobile apps is ever more gratifying, and solutions to win back your time from flicking Shorts or TikToks are now more than ever.

Here are some key criteria we think make for core features for a microlearning app:

  • Content Customization and Creation - The ability to easily create, customize, and update learning content is crucial. The best microlearning apps offer intuitive content creation & authoring tools that allow for the incorporation of various multimedia elements to make courses engaging and relevant.
  • Mobile Centric UX - Opt for an app with a user experience (UX) designed primarily for mobile devices. This ensures that learners have a seamless, engaging experience on their smartphones or tablets, facilitating learning on the go and fitting into busy schedules.
  • Use Cases aligned with your interests - Microlearning has already exceeded corporate environments and it became something everyone can try, maybe look for an app with features that aim to upskill yourself.
  • Social Learning & Community features - Seeing what other users experience and relating to their insights is often a great way to validate or challenge information.
  • Content Diversity - Microlearning can be applied to so much more than sales, retail, construction, or general corporate environments. Having access to content that you are naturally interested in is a key point here.
  • Continuous Learning Support - Information naturally evolves and having constant access to fresh ideas and insights is hard for an app that is confined to specifics, depending on your needs you may want.
  • Cost-Effectiveness - The microlearning app landscape has a very diverse pricing plan, with LMSs/Micro-LMS being by far the most expensive and rarely offering free plans. Microcourses and Upskill platforms get cheaper, with microlearning providers like Deepstash, Blinkist, or Headway offering many free options and paid benefits.

As we dive into the best microlearning apps in 2024, we'll see how these platforms are not just keeping up with the trend of bite-sized content, but are pushing us to make the most of our screen time while we develop knowledge one chunk at a time.

Best microlearning platforms in 2024

While it would be easy to create a top of all these microlearning companies, the reality is that in 2024 this is not a fair way of assessing what microlearning apps would be the best, as there is no app that does it all, at least not ideally.

  • From comprehensive Learning Management Systems (LMS) like iSpring Learn and LearnUpon, designed for creating and managing extensive courses, to platforms focused on employee training and engagement such as EdApp and TalentCards, there's a solution for every organizational learning challenge.
  • Specialized microlearning platforms like Ottolearn and EduME offer tailored, skill-specific learning experiences, enhancing employee performance with engaging, bite-sized content.
  • For those seeking alternatives to passive content consumption or replacing doomscrolling with something more productive, Deepstash provides curated insights across various topics, fitting neatly into the personal microlearning category as it heavily leans towards consumers like students or young adults.

As such, let's take a look at each of these individual microlearning apps and how they each fit into their respective niche, so you can make the most educated choice.

Best Personal Microlearning Apps

This facet of microlearning apps for adults has matured into a fully-fledged feature, appealing to those seeking to broaden their horizons across various subjects while keeping making the time investment as short as possible. It's become an increasingly popular tool that condenses the vast amount of knowledge already available on the internet or books into genuine curated core ideas.

Emphasizing book summaries and digests, microlearning platforms like Deepstash, Blinkist, and Headway have become pivotal in this transformation, each offering a unique way to dive into the world of books and knowledge without the commitment of long reading hours. Deepstash curates ideas across various topics, Blinkist condenses non-fiction books into 15-minute reads, and Headway offers similar bite-sized learning experiences.


Deepstash Microlearning App Interface

Deepstash puts emphasis on personal microlearning for people looking to to expand their knowledge across a multitude of topics without being confined to the perspective of the same authors. This app stands out by curating insightful learning nuggets and key ideas from a vast array of sources, including books, articles, and podcasts, thus condensing valuable and vast amounts of information from these mediums into bite sized learning.

What makes the Deepstash microlearning app particularly appealing to students and adults alike is the ability to function as a content/media curation tool, thus functioning as a self improvement app through vicarious learning, making it highly accessible for users on-the-go, even offline. Each idea is distilled into digestible flashcard-like ideas, gamifying the progress and the experience, so that these knowledge nuggets can be easily absorbed in just a few minutes.

Deepstash encourages a culture of continuous learning and self-improvement, allowing users to explore new concepts, enhance personal skills, and gain insights on topics ranging from productivity and business to science and Philosophy. Deepstash enables users to share ideas and insights, thus multiplying the value of each stash of ideas. In an era dominated by information overload, this bite sized learning app emerges as a fun side activity for those looking to replace aimless doomscrolling with micro-learning.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning App:
  • Structured Learning Paths: Handpicked summaries and insights packed into collections to guide users to specific goals.
  • Bite-Sized Learning: Content is broken down into easily digestible ideas, making it ideal for quick learning sessions.
  • Curated & Collective Book Summaries - Deepstash offers not only book summaries but key ideas & Insights from real users contributing to a large pile of perspectuves.
  • Personalized Recommendations: The app recommends content based on user interests, creating a tailored learning experience.
  • Learning Stashes: Users can organize their favorite insights into stashes for later recall, making it easy to revisit and manage information.
  • Gamified Learning: Features common gamification elements like Streaks, Points, Badges, Leaderboards, Ranks and Progress bars.
  • Community Interaction: Users can share their stashes and insights with the community, enabling collaboration and knowledge exchange.
  • Cross-Platform Accessibility: Available on multiple devices, allowing users to learn anytime, anywhere.
  • Engagement Tools: Features like bookmarking, highlighting, and commenting enhance interaction with the content.
  • Daily Learning Goals: Encourages spaced repetition & consistent learning by setting and tracking daily reading or learning objectives.
  • Diverse Content Sources: Aggregates content from books, articles, podcasts, and more, offering a comprehensive learning resource.
  • Offline Access: Enables users to save content for offline reading, ensuring access without an internet connection.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Deepstash is a free microlearning app with pro subscription plans for additional benefits.
  • All content is free, online and on the app.
  • 7.5$/5.89$(discount)/month or 69.99$/year for premium features like unlimited stashes, journeys and stashing.
  • 299$ Lifetime/One-time Purchase option for full benefits.

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Blinkist Microlearning App Interface

Blinkist is a microlearning app that condenses the key insights and ideas from thousands of non-fiction books into concise summaries that can be read or listened to in just 15 minutes. For those seeking a digital detox, Blinkist serves as an antidote, redirecting time from aimless scrolling to productive, self-paced learning.

The platform as well as the app covers a broad spectrum of topics, including business, psychology, history, science, and self-improvement, making it a treasure trove of knowledge for curious minds. One of Blinkist's standout features is its audio summary option, which allows users to absorb new learnings during commutes, workouts, or any other multitasking activities, effectively turning downtime into productive learning moments.

Blinkist not only offers a fast track to a vast library of book summaries but also curates personalized recommendations for its users. This microlearning solution is designed with a user-friendly interface that facilitates easy navigation across different categories and bookmarks, making it straightforward for users to track their reading progress and plan their learning journey.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning App:
  • Curated Book Summaries - Summaries from a broad spectrum of non-fiction books, providing quality and actionable insights in each digest.
  • Audio Summaries - Audio versions of book summaries enable learning during commutes, workouts, or any spare moment, epitomizing mobile learning.
  • Personalized Recommendations - The app suggests books and topics based on user preferences and reading history, customizing the learning journey.
  • Collections - Users can create collections of their favorite summaries for easy access and structured learning paths.
  • Multiple Language Support - Summaries and Ideas are available in multiple languages.
  • Engage with Peers - Features that allow users to share favorite summaries or interesting insights with friends or on social media, encouraging peer learning and discussion.
  • Wide Range of Books - Offers summaries from categories like science, history, business, and personal development, catering to varied interests.
  • Interactive Features - Highlighting and note-taking functionalities enable users to interact with the content, enhancing retention and engagement.
  • Learning Goals - Users can set and monitor daily or weekly learning objectives, promoting continuous learning habits.
  • Offline Mode - Summaries can be downloaded for offline reading or listening, ensuring uninterrupted access, similar to Spotify.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Free content online and app.
  • Free trial available.
  • $7.49/month and $89.99/year.


Headway Microlearning Platform Interface

Headway is a dynamic microlearning app that has carved its niche by focusing on personal growth and self-improvement through the lens of bite-sized learning. This innovative app boils down the core concepts of non-fiction books into concise, easily digestible summaries, enabling users to explore a wealth of knowledge across various books, including psychology, business, health, and more.

A standout feature of Headway is its use of gamified learning experiences and spaced repetition techniques to enhance retention and make reading a book a daily habit. The app offers both text and audio summaries, catering to different learning preferences and lifestyles, allowing users to learn on the go, whether they are commuting, exercising, or simply taking a break.

By focusing on these distinctive elements: gamified learning, spaced repetition for deeper knowledge retention, a strong emphasis on personal development, and a supportive learning community, Headway offers a unique proposition in the microlearning app landscape, particularly for users keen on enhancing their personal and professional lives in an interactive and enjoyable manner.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning App:
  • Gamified Learning Experiences - Engages users with challenges, points, and rewards to make learning fun and addictive, encouraging regular engagement and habit formation.
  • Interactive Quizzes - Incorporates quizzes and self-assessment tools to reinforce learning and test knowledge acquisition, making the learning experience more dynamic and engaging.
  • Daily Goals and Progress Tracking - Encourages users to set and achieve daily learning objectives, providing a sense of accomplishment and a clear view of their progress over time.
  • Spaced Repetition - Utilizes this powerful technique to improve memory retention, presenting learned concepts at optimal intervals to ensure the information is remembered long-term.
  • Community Interaction and Sharing - Allows users to share insights, goals, and achievements with others.
  • Offline Access - Enables users to download summaries for offline reading or listening.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Free Trial available.
  • Free content Online and App.
  • Premium features running from $19.99 to $89.99.

Best Microlearning Platforms for Course Creation/Micro-LMS

These microlearning platforms also feature apps that are recognized for their innovative approach to education and how they blend with microlearning elements, offering a mix of clearly defined courses and personalized learning paths. By providing a robust infrastructure for micro-course development and gamification elements, they enable the creation of interactive and impactful modules that quickly became a trend among Educators and Organizations alike.

For example, iSpring Learn utilizes its built-in authoring tool to create responsive courses, TalentLMS enriches its microlearning courses with multimedia elements and adaptive learning paths while Learnupon leverages AI to curate content to present users with personalized training modules.

iSpring Learn

iSpring Learn Microlearning Platform Interface

iSpring Learn is a streamlined microlearning app that simplifies the launch and tracking of educational programs in just one day, bypassing the need for complex setup or IT help. It enables the quick transformation of existing videos, slides, or articles into interactive microlearning courses. With its intuitive authoring tool, users can easily create responsive courses featuring knowledge checks, accessible on both smartphones and desktops. Ideal for fast-paced learning environments, iSpring Learn offers personalized learning paths and real-time progress tracking, making it a top choice for organizations aiming to efficiently enhance their training efforts.

What makes this platform stand out are: Real-time analytics and progress tracking that enable organizations to measure training effectiveness and learner performance seamlessly while the authoring tools allow creators to seamlessly convert existing resources, be it detailed presentations, informative videos, or comprehensive articles, into interactive, engaging microlearning courses.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning App:
  • Intuitive Authoring Tool - Enables the creation of engaging courses from existing content, complete with interactive quizzes and multimedia elements, without requiring advanced technical skills.
  • Interactive Assessments - Incorporates quizzes, simulations, and knowledge checks to engage learners and reinforce key concepts.
  • Personalized Learning Paths - Tailors the learning experience to individual needs, allowing learners to progress at their own pace and according to their interests.
  • Real-Time Analytics - Offers detailed tracking and reporting features to monitor learner progress, engagement, and course effectiveness.
  • LMS Integration - Easily integrates with existing systems and tools, facilitating smooth data transfer and minimizing setup time.
  • Retention Checks - Embeds short quizzes and reviews within courses to ensure comprehension and retention of material.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Free Trial
  • $2.29/month for starter subscription plan
  • $3.14/month for Business subscription plan


LearnUpon Microlearning App Interface

LearnUpon is a cutting-edge learning management system (LMS) designed to streamline the delivery, management, and tracking of online training across various organizations. One of its core strengths lies in its ability to unify training initiatives in a single, centralized platform, using microlearning, making it easier for training managers to administer courses, monitor progress, and analyze training outcomes in real-time.

LearnUpon supports a wide array of content types, from SCORM and xAPI courses to videos, documents, and webinars, additionally, LearnUpon integrates seamlessly with existing business tools, such as CRMs and HR systems, facilitating a cohesive ecosystem for data management and reporting.

The platform and app also places a strong emphasis on social learning and collaboration, featuring discussion forums and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing to foster a more interactive learning environment.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning/Micro-LMS Platform:
  • Unified Training Platform - Centralizes training for employees, partners, and customers in one scalable LMS, streamlining administration and delivery.
  • Content Versatility - Supports a broad range of content types, including SCORM and xAPI courses, videos, documents, and live webinars, catering to diverse learning preferences.
  • Customizable Learning Paths - Enables the creation of tailored learning experiences with customizable paths and certification programs to meet specific training objectives.
  • Seamless Integrations - Offers seamless integration with a variety of business tools, including CRMs, HR systems, and webinar platforms, for efficient data management and workflow automation.
  • Robust Analytics and Reporting - Features comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to track learner progress, engagement, and course effectiveness, providing actionable insights for continuous improvement.
  • Social Learning and Collaboration - Encourages interaction and knowledge sharing among learners through discussion forums and peer-to-peer learning features.
  • E-commerce Capabilities - Includes e-commerce features for selling courses online, opening up opportunities for revenue generation through training.
  • Automated Administration - Automates repetitive tasks such as enrollments, notifications, and certificate issuance, saving time and reducing administrative burden.
  • Brand Customization - Allows organizations to customize the LMS interface with their branding.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Free App
  • Multiple plans with unspecified pricing, only demo booking available.


TalentLMS Microlearning Platform Interface

TalentLMS is a versatile and intuitive cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) designed to simplify the training process for organizations of all sizes. This Microlearning platform enables companies to create, deploy, and manage online training courses with minimal effort. Its comprehensive set of features includes customizable learning paths, gamification to engage learners, and a variety of multimedia support options to enrich the learning experience.

TalentLMS stands out for its user-friendly interface and cost-effective solution, making it an attractive choice for organizations looking to invest in a robust e-learning strategy. The platform's emphasis on micro-content and knowledge nuggets aligns with key microlearning principles thus making this service more akin to something like a micro-LMS. They offer Micro Courses solutions for anything related to Employee training, Onboarding, Sales, Customer Support and more.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning/Micro-LMS App:
  • SCORM and xAPI Compliance - Ensures compatibility with a wide range of eLearning content standards for seamless course integration.
  • Certifications and Assessments - Facilitates the delivery of certificates upon course completion and supports various assessment types to validate learner understanding.
  • E-commerce Integration - Provides tools for selling courses online, opening revenue streams for businesses and independent course creators.
  • Gamification elements - Engages users with points, badges, leaderboards, and rewards to enhance motivation and learning engagement.
  • Multi-tenant Architecture - Allows organizations to create multiple, distinct learning environments within a single TalentLMS account, ideal for training different groups or departments.
  • Reporting and Analytics - Provides detailed insights into user progress, course completion rates, and engagement metrics to help administrators measure the effectiveness of training programs.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Many Pricing Models and Plans
  • Free trial
  • $69/month Starter Plan to $459/month Premium Plan
  • Free content online or app

Best Microlearning Platforms for Employee Training and Engagement

EdApp, TalentCards, and Axonify stand out as microlearning apps and solutions to employee training. While the above section has a much broader scope and covers eLearning as a whole, the mobile-first approach of these microlearning applications make them the ideal pick whenever a company finds itself in need of preparing its workforce for a series of training sessions.

TalentCards leverages the power of card-based learning, delivering bite-sized knowledge that employees can easily digest and retain, perfect for reinforcing key concepts and skills. EdApp excels with its mobile-first approach, offering a vast library of customizable courses while Axonify takes a personalized learning approach, employing adaptive learning techniques and gamification to ensure that each employee's learning experience is unique.


EdApp Microlearning App Interface

Utilizing EdApp's microlearning platform, a company, for example, is able to launch a series of short, engaging courses focused on key aspects of customer service, such as greeting customers, handling complaints, and upselling products, with the ultimate goal to improve customer service skills across its workforce.

The content is rich with interactive elements, featuring videos demonstrating best practices, mini-quizzes to test understanding, and scenarios that require employees to make decisions based on what they've learned.

To reinforce learning and ensure retention, EdApp makes use of spaced repetition, prompting employees to review key concepts at optimal intervals while gamified elements are meant to drive engagement and introduce friendly competition among staff.

Over time, employees not only improve their customer service skills but also feel more engaged and valued by their employer. The company benefits from higher customer satisfaction scores, showcasing how EdApp's microlearning approach can make a significant impact on employee training and overall business outcomes.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning App:
  • Bite-Sized Lessons - Content is divided into short, manageable modules, making it easy for employees to complete training in just a few minutes.
  • Mobile-First Design - Optimized for smartphones, allowing employees to access training anytime, anywhere, fitting learning into their busy schedules.
  • Spaced Repetition - Utilizes this technique to schedule review sessions at optimal intervals, reinforcing knowledge retention over time.
  • Gamification - Features like leaderboards, points, and rewards motivate employees, making learning more engaging and competitive.
  • Customizable Courses - Offers the ability to tailor courses to specific organizational needs, ensuring relevant and impactful learning experiences.
  • Real-Time Analytics - Provides insights into employee progress and course effectiveness, enabling organizations to measure impact and adjust training as needed.
  • Social Learning - Encourages peer-to-peer learning and knowledge sharing through forums and discussions, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
  • Offline Access - Allows employees to download content for offline study, ensuring uninterrupted access to training materials.
  • Microlearning Library - Access to a vast library of pre-made courses covering various topics, ready for immediate deployment.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Free Plan
  • Free content on app
  • No online available content
  • $2.95 to $5.95/month Plans with options for Corporate


TalentCards Microlearning App Interface

This Microlearning tool is particularly interesting as it uses the concept of flashcards which is an outstanding form to feature microlearning core concepts. Suited for on-the-go learning and deskless workers, this microlearning software is ideal in scenarios where a construction company needs to quickly update safety protocols across its workforce, for example. TalentCards, with its distinctive card-based learning system, becomes the perfect solution.

These cards are designed to be visually appealing, incorporating concise text, images, and links to short videos, making complex information easy to understand and remember.

What sets TalentCards apart is its mobile-first approach to learning, enabling employees to access these learning cards directly from their smartphones, anytime and anywhere. This is especially beneficial for workers on construction sites who may not have regular access to computers or traditional learning environments.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning App:
  • Digital Flashcards - Utilizes a simple, effective card-based format to present learning content, making it easy for users to absorb information in small, manageable chunks.
  • Mobile-First Design - Optimized for use on mobile devices, ensuring that learners have access to training materials anytime, anywhere, enhancing the flexibility of learning.
  • Offline Access - Allows learners to download content and access it without an internet connection, supporting uninterrupted learning in any setting.
  • Gamification Elements - Features such as points, badges, and leaderboards engage and motivate users, making learning fun and competitive.
  • Simple Content Creation - Enables trainers and managers to easily create and distribute learning content without needing advanced technical skills.
  • User Groups - Allows for the segmentation of learners into groups for targeted training, making it easier to manage and customize learning experiences.
  • Reporting and Analytics - Provides insights into learner progress, completion rates, and engagement metrics, helping organizations measure the effectiveness of their training programs.
  • Multilingual Support - Offers the ability to deliver content in multiple languages, catering to a diverse, global workforce.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Free Plan
  • Standard & Premium for $59 and $75/month
  • No content available online


Axonify Microlearning App Interface

Axonify excels in delivering content through real-life scenarios, particularly beneficial in industries requiring critical thinking and decision-making skills under pressure, such as healthcare or manufacturing. For example, nurses can use Axonify to simulate patient care scenarios, enhancing their problem-solving skills in a risk-free environment, a feature that distinctly supports hands-on learning compared to other microlearning apps.

It emphasizes personalized learning paths that onboard employees quickly and efficiently, utilizing AI for intelligent reinforcement to close knowledge gaps. A notable feature is its centralized, searchable information hub, making critical data readily accessible.

Employees interact with the app daily for short, focused training sessions tailored to their training assessments, ensuring continuous learning and immediate application in the workplace.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning App:
  • Integration Capabilities - Seamlessly integrates with existing HR and business systems, facilitating a unified approach to employee training and development.
  • Knowledge Retention Techniques - Personalizes the learning experience by adapting content to each employee's unique learning needs and performance.
  • Gamification Elements - Incorporates game mechanics like points, badges, and leaderboards to motivate and engage employees.
  • Adaptive Learning Technology - Personalizes the learning experience by adapting content to each employee's unique learning needs and performance.
  • Scenario-Based Learning - Axonify includes the ability to create immersive, real-world scenarios that challenge employees to apply their knowledge in context.
  • Personalized Learning Paths - Axonify dynamically adjusts the content and sequence of training modules to fit the unique needs of the learner.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Unspecified

Best Microlearning Apps for Specialized/Skill-based Microlearning

Specialized Microlearning App or Platforms refer to services that offer learning nuggets tailored to specific skills, behaviors, or knowledge areas, often with a strong focus on engagement and interactivity. These platforms are distinct from broader "Employee Training and Engagement" platforms in several ways:

  • Focus on Specific Learning Outcomes - Specialized microlearning tools often concentrate on very particular learning goals or outcomes, such as mastering a sales pitch (7taps).
  • Application in Real-World Scenarios - Specialized platforms may also offer content that's directly applicable to real-world scenarios, allowing learners to immediately apply what they've learned in their day-to-day work.
  • Engagement Strategies - For instance, eduMe is designed for mobile-first learning, making it ideal for on-the-go employees in dynamic environments like ride-sharing or delivery services.


EduME Microlearning app interface

As a leading microlearning app, eduMe offers both free and premium options, making it a versatile choice for businesses aiming to replace unproductive screen time with valuable learning opportunities.

This microlearning solution stands out for its ability to deliver targeted content that aligns with the need of companies and organizations to quickly upskill the frontline workforce. From sales strategies to customer service, this microlearning software ensures that employees acquire relevant skills promptly and efficiently. eduMe's intuitive interface simplifies the creation of engaging content, incorporating interactive quizzes, videos, and real-time feedback to develop a highly engaging and interactive learning environment.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning platform:
  • Integration with Workforce Management Tools - Seamless integration capabilities with leading workforce management platforms like Workplace by Facebook, Slack, and WhatsApp.
  • Language Localization - eduMe provides extensive language localization options, making it an ideal solution for global companies seeking to train skills across multiple languages.
  • High-Quality Content Partnerships - eduMe collaborates with renowned content providers to offer a library of high-quality, ready-to-use courses.
  • Worker-Generated Content - This peer-to-peer learning approach is always a strong perk for knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Unspecified - Personalized pricing & Quotes


Ottolearn Microlearning App Interface

Specializing in skills and behavior training, Ottolearn ensures learning translates into practical application through scenario-based learning. This gamified microlearning app is designed to enhance knowledge retention and performance. It facilitates the creation of concise lessons that integrate smoothly into employees' routines.

Similar to other skill-based, online/mobile microlearning software, the use cases for Ottolearn range from retail sales training, healthcare, manufacturing to software and remote work upskilling. Companies can thus successfully harness bite-sized learning to quickly train and develop needed skills without investing in lengthy training.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning platform:
  • Adaptive Learning Engine - OttoLearn’s core strength lies in its adaptive learning technology, which personalizes content delivery based on the learner's performance and engagement levels.
  • Gamification at Its Core - Unlike many platforms that add gamification as an afterthought, OttoLearn is built around game mechanics.
  • Focused on Mastery - Learners progress by demonstrating understanding and retention of the material, ensuring that training translates into real-world capability and performance improvement.
  • Knowledge Gap Identification - Unique among microlearning platforms, OttoLearn actively identifies and targets individual knowledge gaps, customizing content to fill these skill gaps.
Pricing and Offers:
  • $250/month Starting plan
  • No free plans or content


7taps microlearning app interface

7taps is one of the most popular apps platforms when it comes to employee upskilling, adept at transforming the landscape of employee upskilling with its focus on bite-sized learning. Particularly in the sales sector, 7taps excels by enabling retail companies to swiftly equip their sales teams with the latest product knowledge and sales strategies.

Through engaging, compact modules delivered directly to employees' devices, 7taps facilitates on-the-spot learning without interrupting the sales flow, embodying the essence of effective microlearning solutions. This microlearning app stands out for its user-friendly design, allowing for the rapid creation and deployment of sales training content. Its features, such as gamification and instant feedback, aim to replace idle doomscrolling with productive skill enhancement.

Key Features & Highlights of this Microlearning App:
  • Rapid Deployment - Enables quick creation and distribution of learning modules, allowing organizations to respond swiftly to training needs.
  • Gamification elements - Makes use of points, badges, leaderboards, and rewards.
  • Scalability - Capable of supporting training initiatives for organizations of all sizes, from small teams to large enterprises.
  • Cloud-Based - A fully cloud-based solution, providing flexibility and scalability without the need for extensive IT infrastructure.
  • Skill-based microlearning - Allows organizations to tailor their training programs towards specific skill development.
  • Custom Branding - Supports custom branding options, allowing businesses to align the learning experience with their corporate identity.
  • Real-Time Analytics - Offers detailed analytics and reporting tools, providing insights into learner progress, engagement levels, and content effectiveness.
  • Mobile-first approach - Designed with a mobile-first approach, ensuring that learning content is accessible and looks great on any device, facilitating learning on-the-go.
Pricing and Offers:
  • Offers a free plan
  • Pro plan at $99/month
  • Enterprise option

Further Exploration: Learn more about Microlearning and related Concepts

Micolearning has become a very hot topic as of late and there are plenty to explore about this aproach to learning! Check out our collections/journeys specially tailored for putting microlearning into perspective and practicality.

  1. The Key Benefits of Micro-Learning: Learn about what is Microlearning and how this concept helps you in your learning efforts

  2. How To Learn Anything Fast: Microlearning and Fast, Efficient Learning are very closely related, check out our collection on fast learning tips

  3. Creating A Culture Of Learning: Microlearning is all about habits and consistency, creating a culture of learning is often a journey based on these concepts, why not check out how others did that themselves?

  4. Upskilling: Preparing For The Future: Upskilling is a huge benefit of Microlearning. Deepstash has a whole collection of ideas & Insights based on upskilling facts and tips.

Microlearning Apps are new the prime tool to practice and make use of Microlearning, regardless if you're at work or commuting, traveling or simply waiting in the bus station. With Doomscrolling & Infobesity we're bombarded with information that is harder to distill than ever, as such, Microlearning Apps/Platforms might be our best shot yet at making learning more fun.

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