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Consider Opportunity Costs

Consider Opportunity Costs

  • Consider the "opportunity cost" of a decision by evaluating what will be given up by choosing a particular option.
  • It is not just about monetary costs but also includes time and other resources.


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Multi-Track for Better Solutions

Multi-Track for Better Solutions

  • We tend to oversimplify decisions into binary options.
  • Explore multiple options simultaneously, leading to higher-quality work by allowing for a broader exploration of possibilities and reducing attachment to any single option.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Exploring different paths can spark creative solutions.
  • Risk Mitigation: If one track fails, others might still succeed.
  • However, be wary of choice overload, as having too many options can paralyze decision-making.


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Leverage Existing Solutions

Leverage Existing Solutions

  • Explore solutions others have found for similar problems to gain insights and ideas.
  • Look into different disciplines to discover solutions that may not be obvious initially.
  • Gain external perspective by asking indicative questions to understand how others in similar situations have navigated challenges.


6 reads

Look out for Biases in your Decision-Making

Look out for Biases in your Decision-Making

  • Consider allowing someone else to play devil's advocate to challenge your choices.
  • Encourage disagreement by building a case against your decision to analyze logical constraints.
  • Take an observer perspective by stepping outside of your immediate viewpoint to analyze the situation as an impartial outsider. 


7 reads

Conduct Small Experiments

Conduct Small Experiments

  • Utilize "ooching" by testing ideas on a small scale before committing fully.
  • For instance, tech startups release beta versions of their apps to a select group of users to identify bugs and collect feedback.


5 reads

Consider Future Consequences

Consider Future Consequences

  • Many of our choices are hijacked by what we believe is important in the moment that we’re faced with them.
  • Shift focus to long-term consequences by imagining outcomes from a future perspective.


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Embrace Uncertainty in Decision Outcomes

Embrace Uncertainty in Decision Outcomes

  • Consider a range of possible outcomes each with an associated probability of success.
  • Pre-mortems: Imagine that your decision has already failed and work backward to identify what could have caused the failure. Use this information to adjust probabilities and mitigate overconfidence.
  • Add margins of safety to timelines to account for uncertainties. Allocate additional resources where uncertainties are high.


4 reads

Implement Decision-Making Triggers by Establishing Tripwires

Implement Decision-Making Triggers by Establishing Tripwires

  • When we do a certain thing every day we often don’t notice the gradual changes that, over time, can amount to a drastic situation.
  • Tripwires are predefined conditions or thresholds that, when met, prompt a specific action or decision - such as setting budget limits or deadlines.
  • This approach enables responding proactively rather than reactively - by creating signals to interrupt autopilot behaviour and prompt corrective actions.


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Summary: WRAP Process

Summary: WRAP Process

  1. Widen Your Options: multi-tracking, learning from others
  2. Reality-Test Your Assumptions: seek disconfirming evidence, conduct small experiments
  3. Attain Distance Before Deciding:  10/10/10 rule, seek outsider perspective
  4. Prepare to Be Wrong: conduct premortems, set tripwires and make contingency plans



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