10 tips to study smarter not longer! - Deepstash

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Set Specific Goals

Set Specific Goals

Example: Instead of saying, "I'll study biology today," set a specific goal like, "I'll learn the human digestive system in two hours." Clear goals help you stay focused and track your progress.


120 reads

Stay Positive

Stay Positive

Example: Keep a positive mindset. If you find a subject challenging, remind yourself that it's an opportunity to learn something new. Celebrate small victories to stay motivated.

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90 reads

Stay Organized

Stay Organized

Example: Keep your study space tidy and your notes well-organized. Use color-coded folders or digital apps to sort your subjects. This saves time and makes finding information easier.


92 reads

Use Mnemonics

Use Mnemonics

Example: To remember the order of planets, use a mnemonic like "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles" (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). Creating fun associations makes information stick better.


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Take Regular Breaks

Take Regular Breaks

Example: Use the Pomodoro Technique. Study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer break. This keeps your mind fresh and prevents burnout.


79 reads

Exercise Regularly

Example: Exercise boosts blood flow to the brain. Even a 20-minute walk can improve your mood and concentration. Try doing light stretches or yoga during your study breaks.


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Avoid Multitasking

Avoid Multitasking

Example: If you try to juggle too many balls, you might drop them all. Similarly, focusing on one subject at a time helps you understand and retain information better. Finish one task before starting another.


71 reads

Eat Nutritious Meals

Eat Nutritious Meals

Example: Think of your body as a high-performance machine. Just like a car needs quality fuel, your brain needs nutritious food to function at its best. Include fruits, vegetables, and proteins in your diet.


71 reads

Get Enough Sleep

Get Enough Sleep

Example: Imagine trying to drive a car with a nearly empty fuel tank. Your brain works the same way when it's tired. Aim for 6.5 hours of sleep each night so your mind is sharp and ready to absorb new information.


73 reads

Practice Retrieval And Revision

Practice Retrieval And Revision

Example: Instead of just reading notes, test yourself. Close your book and see how much you remember. This practice helps reinforce your memory and shows you where you need more review.

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72 reads

"Success in study comes not from the hours you put in, but from the wisdom with which you use those hours."



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