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The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.



657 reads

Topics To Make You Indistractable Today

Topics To Make You Indistractable Today

1. The Nature of Distraction

2. Identifying Internal Triggers

3. Mastering External Triggers

4. Time Management and Prioritization

5. The Power of “Timeboxing”

6. Making Pacts to Stay Focused

7. Building a Distraction-Free Workspace

8. Strengthening Relationships Through Focus

9. The Role of Technology in Distraction

10. Becoming Indistractable in the Long Run


528 reads

Nature of Distraction

Nature of Distraction

Distraction is anything that pulls us away from what we truly want to focus on. Understanding the root cause of distraction is the first step to overcoming it. It’s not just about external stimuli, but also about our internal struggles.

“Distraction isn’t about the tools we use—it’s about what’s happening inside us.”


445 reads

Identifying Internal Triggers

Identifying Internal Triggers

Internal triggers are uncomfortable emotional states like boredom, stress, or loneliness that prompt distraction. Recognizing these triggers helps you deal with them directly rather than letting them lead you astray.

“Distraction often starts from within, triggered by feelings we want to avoid.”


419 reads

Mastering External Triggers

Mastering External Triggers

External triggers, such as notifications, emails, and interruptions, can easily pull you off course. By controlling these triggers, you can prevent them from derailing your focus and productivity.

“Control external triggers so they serve you, not the other way around.”


381 reads

Time Management & Prioritisation

Time Management & Prioritisation

Eyal emphasizes the importance of managing time effectively. Prioritizing tasks based on what’s most important helps you focus on what truly matters, rather than getting lost in urgent but trivial activities.

“You can’t call something a distraction unless you know what it’s distracting you from.”


349 reads

Power of “Timeboxing

Power of “Timeboxing

Timeboxing is the practice of scheduling tasks and activities into specific time slots. This helps ensure you stick to your priorities, as your time is intentionally allocated in advance.

“Timeboxing turns your values into time, making it easier to stay on track.”


333 reads

Making Pacts to Stay Focused

Making Pacts to Stay Focused

Making precommitments, or “pacts,” is a strategy to prevent distraction. By making binding commitments—like working for a set amount of time or limiting phone use—you can reinforce your focus.

“Pacts help turn intentions into actions by limiting your options for distraction.”


308 reads

Building a Distraction-free Workspace

Building a Distraction-free Workspace

A cluttered or distracting workspace can hinder productivity. Setting up a clean, organized, and distraction-free environment makes it easier to focus and minimizes opportunities for diversion.

“Your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your ability to stay focused.”


280 reads

Strengthening Relationships Through Focus

Strengthening Relationships Through Focus

Being fully present with others—whether at work or in personal relationships—strengthens connections. By eliminating distractions during interactions, you show greater respect and attention to the people around you.

“Focus isn’t just about productivity; it’s about being fully present for the people in your life.”


276 reads

Role of Technology in Distraction

Role of Technology in Distraction

While technology often causes distraction, it can also be managed to enhance productivity. Eyal offers practical tips for using tech tools like email and social media intentionally, without letting them take over.

“Technology is not the enemy—it’s how we use it that matters.”


253 reads

Becoming Indistractable in the Long Run

Becoming Indistractable in the Long Run

Becoming “indistractable” is a long-term journey. It’s about mastering your internal and external triggers, adopting new habits, and continuously refining your strategies to stay focused.

“Indistractability is not a destination, but a skill you build over time.”


253 reads


1. Understand Distraction: Know what pulls you away from focus.

2. Identify Internal Triggers: Recognize emotional triggers that lead to distraction.

3. Control External Triggers: Limit interruptions from your environment.

4. Manage Time Effectively: Prioritize tasks based on what’s truly important.

5. Use Timeboxing: Schedule specific tasks into time slots.



243 reads


6. Make Precommitments: Use pacts to prevent distraction.

7. Create a Focused Workspace: Eliminate distractions in your environment.

8. Be Present in Relationships: Strengthen connections by focusing on people.

9. Master Technology: Use tech intentionally, not reactively.

10. Build Indistractability: Continuously refine your focus strategies.



249 reads



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Master focus and beat distractions with Nir Eyal’s practical guide to becoming *Indistractable*.

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