12 Habits That Changed My Life - Deepstash
12 Habits That Changed My Life

12 Habits That Changed My Life

Curated from: Matt D'Avella

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You know that feeling when you start something new and you're like, "Okay, this is it! This is gonna change my life," and then... life happens? Yeah, we’ve all been there. I spent a whole year trying out random habits for 30 days each, and let me tell you—I screwed up a LOT. But I also learned some crazy useful things. Here’s a stash of habits that are so simple, you’ll think they’re trash, but they can actually change your life. Ready? Let’s dive in!


44 reads

1. Cold Showers

Take an ice-cold shower every day, no matter how comfy your bed is.


I started my day with a freezing cold shower. At first, I was screaming on the inside. By day 15, I felt like I could run through a wall.


It’s not about the shower—it’s about building mental toughness. If you can do something uncomfortable, like jumping into cold water every day, you’ll be ready to tackle the bigger stuff in life.


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2. Waking Up at 5 AM

Get out of bed before the sun even thinks about rising.


I tried waking up at 5 AM, thinking I’d be superhuman. Spoiler alert: I was a zombie for the first week, but then I started crushing my mornings.


This only works if you actually get enough sleep. So go to bed earlier, and use those quiet morning hours to do stuff that matters to you—study, workout, plan your day.


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3. Quitting Sugar

Cut out all sugar. Yes, even that donut you're eyeing.


I quit sugar for 30 days, and after the withdrawal headaches stopped, I realized I had more energy and fewer mood swings.


Start by cutting out sugary drinks first. Swap them for water or tea, and watch how your body thanks you by not crashing every afternoon.


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4. Intermittent Fasting

Eat all your meals within a specific window of time (like 8 hours) and fast for the rest.


I didn’t eat until noon, and I swear, my focus shot through the roof. It’s like my brain was on full alert when I wasn’t constantly snacking.


Don’t overcomplicate it. Start by pushing breakfast back by an hour and see how your body feels. The key is to listen to your body, not starve yourself.


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5. Journaling Every Day

Write down your thoughts and feelings every day, even when you feel like you have nothing to say.


At first, I wrote things like, “I’m tired” or “I don’t want to do this,” but after a while, I started working through actual problems in my journal.


Grab a notebook and just brain dump. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Just get your thoughts out. You’ll be surprised at what you discover.


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6. Scheduling Every Minute of the Day

Plan your entire day, down to the minute.


I tried this and felt like I had control over my time for the first time ever. But also, I learned that life doesn’t always go as planned.


Start by blocking out chunks of time for your main tasks (like school, work, study). Then leave some room for flexibility because, let’s be real, things always come up.


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7. Minimalism

Own fewer things. Get rid of the clutter in your life.


I threw out half my closet and instantly felt lighter. No more stressing over what to wear or buy.


Go through your stuff and ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” If the answer is no, get rid of it. Less stuff means less stress.


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8. Meditation

Sit still and focus on your breathing for a few minutes a day.


I meditated for 10 minutes each morning, and at first, I just got bored. But after a week, I started feeling more chill, like little things didn’t bother me as much.


Find a quiet spot, set a timer, and focus on breathing in and out. When your mind wanders, bring it back to your breath. Trust me, it’s harder than it sounds but super calming.


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9. Quitting Caffeine

Cut out coffee, energy drinks, and anything else that keeps you wired.


I stopped drinking coffee and felt like a zombie for a week. But then, my natural energy kicked in, and I wasn’t as dependent on caffeine to function.


Gradually reduce your caffeine intake. Swap your morning coffee for herbal tea or water. You’ll feel more in control of your energy levels instead of relying on coffee.


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10. Counting Calories

Track everything you eat and how many calories you consume.


I logged every bite for 30 days. It was annoying at first, but I realized how much mindless snacking I was doing.


Use an app to track your food for a few weeks. It’s not about obsessing over every calorie, but about being aware of what you're actually eating.


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11. Breath Work

Practice controlled breathing exercises to manage stress and energy.


I tried deep breathing every morning, and it’s like an instant calm-down button. Felt like I could handle anything after that.


When you're feeling stressed, take a moment to breathe deeply—inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, exhale for 4. Repeat. Instant reset.


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12. Trying New Things

Get out of your comfort zone and do something you've never done before.


I tried learning how to cook for 30 days, and not only did I learn new recipes, but I felt more confident in tackling new challenges.


Pick one thing you’ve always wanted to do—whether it’s learning an instrument, a new skill, or talking to that person you’ve been avoiding—and just go for it. Push your limits.


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Life’s not about getting it perfect—it’s about trying new things, learning what works, and dropping what doesn’t. These habits might seem dumb or small, but they build up. Start with just one, and see how it changes your mindset, energy, and even your entire day. 


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"Stay hungry, stay foolish."



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This isn’t about extreme discipline or overnight success. It’s about discovering simple habits that can actually make a difference in your life. You don’t need to be perfect or do everything at once. These habits are designed to help you build up slowly and actually enjoy the process. Whether it’s waking up earlier, taking control of your time, or making school less of a headache, there’s something here that’ll make you feel more in control and ready to take on whatever comes your way. Let’s get started!

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