4 Rules to Help Increase Your Productivity - Deepstash
4 Rules to Help Increase Your Productivity

4 Rules to Help Increase Your Productivity

Curated from: Matt D'Avella

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The Four Rules Of Productivity

The Four Rules Of Productivity

Summary of the video published by Matt D'Avella on YouTube


In the world of productivity, it's easy to get lost in a sea of digital tools and systems, all promising to make us more efficient and effective. But the key to true productivity lies in understanding human behavior, recognizing the ways we deceive ourselves into feeling productive, and avoiding common traps that hinder our progress. In this article, we'll explore four essential rules for productivity that can transform how you work, plan for projects, and ensure that you are genuinely productive.


769 reads

Rule 1 : Plan for Realistic Timelines

Rule 1 : Plan for Realistic Timelines

One of the biggest myths about productivity is that we can reach a point where work always feels effortless, motivation never wanes. The reality is that productivity ebbs and flows. Some weeks, you'll be on top of everything, while other times, you'll struggle to keep up. This happens for two reasons:

Unpredictable Events: Unforeseen events can disrupt your carefully planned schedule.

Inaccurate Time Estimations: Even experienced professionals can't accurately predict the time needed for a project due to unforeseen problems that arise during the process.


719 reads

Solutions To The Problems In Rule 1

Solutions To The Problems In Rule 1

To combat the challenges, plan buffer time into your projects. Consider doubling the time you think a task will take. This approach allows you to accommodate unexpected events, reducing the stress of falling behind schedule and the feeling of unproductivity.


737 reads

Rule 2 : Batch Similar Tasks

Rule 2 : Batch Similar Tasks

Constantly switching between tasks can give the illusion of productivity without genuine progress. Multitasking often hampers focus and efficiency. Instead, organize your tasks into categories such as communication, creation, and maintenance. Then, allocate specific time blocks for each category during the week. This method allows you to concentrate on similar tasks in a single sitting, making you more efficient.

Communication Tasks: Phone calls, video chats, and presentations

Creation Tasks: Writing, art, photography

Maintenance Tasks: Email, administrative work, chores


584 reads

Rule 3 : Prioritize Uninterrupted Work Hours

Rule 3 : Prioritize Uninterrupted Work Hours

Meetings, open-office distractions, and constant interruptions can severely impact your productivity, whether you work in an office or from home. It's essential to create uninterrupted work hours where you can focus deeply on your tasks.


589 reads

Strategies To Prioritize Uninterrupted Work

Strategies To Prioritize Uninterrupted Work

Proactively block time on your calendar to prevent others from scheduling meetings during your productive hours.

● If you work from home, minimize interruptions by setting boundaries with roommates, family, or partners.

● Seek a separate workspace, like a co-working space, if you find that interruptions are negatively affecting your productivity and relationships.

Uninterrupted work hours allow you to dive into deep, focused work, resulting in better outcomes and less stress.


531 reads

Rule 4: Tackle Difficult Tasks First

Rule 4: Tackle Difficult Tasks First

Long-term productivity differs from sprinting through a single week. It's essential to conserve your energy and avoid carrying the weight of unresolved issues, especially those that involve challenging conversations. Delaying these conversations only compounds the problem, leading to increased stress and reduced creativity. When faced with a difficult task, particularly an uncomfortable conversation, consider tackling it first. Resolving these issues early can alleviate pressure, free your mind, and unleash your creativity for more productive work.


498 reads



In conclusion, productivity is not about finding the perfect system but rather understanding your own behavior and adopting strategies to work with, not against, your natural tendencies. By following these four rules, you can better navigate the ebbs and flows of productivity and increase your overall effectiveness in both your personal and professional life. Remember that nobody is always productive, and it's essential to listen to your own needs and adjust your approach accordingly.


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Easy rules to start being productive at own pace.

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