Take time for self-reflection - Deepstash
The Art of Leadership

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The Art of Leadership

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Take time for self-reflection

The most successful people are those who take the time to think through their choices, decisions and actions. 

Successful people learn from what worked or failed to work. They then adjust their course of action by taking a different approach.


12.7K reads


Find your inner positive voice

Put aside those harsh inner voices of "I can’t" or "I’m a failure."

That negative internal dialogue is a pattern of self-limiting thoughts. Start replacing that critical inner voice with positive, encouraging thoughts.


12.3K reads



Self-sabotage occurs when your logical, conscious mind (the side of you that says you need to eat healthily and save money) is at odds with your subconscious mind (the side of you that stress-eats chocolate and goes on online shopping binges).

Self-sabotage involves behaviors or thoughts that k...


18.6K reads

Change your pattern of behavior

In every moment, we’re taking action that either moves us toward or away from the person we want to be and the life we want to have.

Consider how the actions you’re taking and the thoughts you’re thinking conflict with your happiness and hold you back from your true potential. Then l...


10.9K reads

Make small, meaningful changes

Once you’ve identified the changes you want to make, pick just one thing that you want to work on.

If you’re disorganized or constantly getting off track from what you should be doing, take five minutes every morning to tidy your desk and write a to-do list.


10.9K reads

Set goals and make plans

By having firm, thoughtful plans for each step we take, we will feel more confident about our intentions and what we’re doing. You can do this on a daily level -- thinking through how you’ll respond to situations, people and circumstances.


11.3K reads

Recognize self-sabotaging habits

  • Procrastination. Start setting deadlines and mini-deadlines to work toward your objective.
  • Negative self-talk/negative thinking. Be patient with yourself; be kind to yourself. Work to build yourself up.
  • Perfectionism. It is an impossible standard that kee...


17K reads

Understand self-sabotage

Self-destructive behaviors can become habits and can continually undermine your success and happiness.

Self-sabotage is when we want something, but somehow we never accomplish it, because somewhere deep in our subconscious we’re fighting against that goal:

  • Our disorganizat...


15.8K reads

Identify root causes

Self-destructive habits are often rooted in our feelings of self-worth.

Work on identifying and acknowledging what is causing you to sabotage yourself, and then start making changes to stop those behaviors.


14.7K reads




You say problem, I say challenge.

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Take sufficient time for reflection

You must always take enough time for reflection on how things are turning out to be and if there is something that requires a change. 

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