A Thousand Marble - Deepstash

A Thousand Marble

Slow down, pause. Stop. Is this what you really want to be doing? Which path you wish to walk is entirely your prerogative. Just be mindful.


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I read, I write

These ideas can help you understand the world and yourself better.

The idea is part of this collection:

Inside The Mind of Elon Musk

Learn more about religionandspirituality with this collection

The importance of innovation

The power of perseverance

How to think big and take risks

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Pausing gives you time to stop and think before you act. Doing so can prevent you from doing things you'll later regret.

If you feel your emotions getting out of control, take a pause. If possible, go for a short walk. Once you calm down, return and decide how to move forward. 

Use healthier motivation habits.

Remind yourself of the benefits.

...keep that motivation up daily is to write down the deeply felt benefits you will get from following this new path or reaching a goal.

Refocus on doing what YOU really, really like to do.

So if you lose your ...

How to Become a Pro

  • Decide what you want to be good at. If you know what you want, then getting it is much easier. 
  • Set a schedule for actually doing it. You want to set a schedule based on actions you can do, not the results that you want.
  • Stick to your schedule for one week

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