The point is: Managing other people's bad moods... - Deepstash

The point is: Managing other people's bad moods and difficult emotions well is an ability that can be practiced and strengthened.

In this article, I want to share 5 specific skills that help me to effectively and respectfully handle other people's difficult emotions.

If you can learn to cultivate them, these skills will help you keep your cool in every relationship in your life, especially the most important ones like spouses, bosses, parents, children, etc.

When someone close to us is racked with anxiety, overwhelmed by sadness , or just incredibly frustrated, it's natural to see their emotion as a problem -something to be taken care of and resolved quickly. This is why we so often turn to advice-giving when people we care about are upset.


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The idea is part of this collection:

Ways to Move Forward When You're Feeling Stuck

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Practicing empathy in relationships and communication

Understanding the importance of balance in personal and professional life

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