Customer Feedback Loops: The Tools You Need - Deepstash
Customer Feedback Loops: The Tools You Need

Customer Feedback Loops: The Tools You Need

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Customer Feedback Loops: The Tools You Need

Customer Feedback Loops: The Tools You Need

A customer feedback loop is a process that allows your customers to keep you updated on their experience. This could be built within your app, be a feature on your website, or even be in-person.

Customer feedback loops help you find out how well your product solves your user’s problems, how easy it is for them to use, and whether they’re willing to continue paying for it.


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Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

A Customer Satisfaction Score, or CSAT, tells you how happy your customers are with your product over all.

This question can be implemented as a pop up or on a landing page customers are led to after completing an action. Or if you want more in-depth information, it can be sent out as part of a fuller survey.


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Customer Effort Scores (CES)

A Customer Effort Score is a feature often included in various user on-boarding tools. It helps you identify how easy customer’s find it to navigate your app/website. It’s a little different to a CSAT score, as it focuses on the ease of use as opposed to overall satisfaction.

These are particularly useful to implement at potential pain points, to identify whether the issue comes from your product or from an external source.


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Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys

NPS Score surveys are one of the most common ways to gather information on how customers feel while on your website/within your app.

It helps you get a general feel for how users receive your product in real time.

It allows you to segment them into 3 categories. Detractors, Passives, and Promotors.


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The Customer Feedback Loop Process

It’s all very well and good building great feedback loops into your product. But the effort is wasted if you don’t get the steps right!

  1. Gathering: All good learning starts with data!
  2. Learn: There’s no point in gathering data if you don’t learn from it. Go through your new data set and use it to answer a specific set of questions.
  3. Apply: Take what you’ve learned and create a set of action points. Did you learn that your checkout page is too complicated? Simplify it! 


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