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Recognize the Three Conversations

Recognize the Three Conversations

1. What Happened Conversation: Focuses on what actually occurred, often involving disagreements about facts and interpretations.

2. Feelings Conversation: Addresses the emotions involved, which are often hidden but critical to understanding the full picture.

3.Identity Conversation: Concerns how the situation affects your self-image, self-esteem, and personal identity


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Shift to a Learning Stance

Shift to a Learning Stance

- Approach the conversation with curiosity and a desire to understand the other person’s perspective.

- Avoid assuming you have all the facts or that your interpretation is the only correct one.


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Explore Each Other's Stories

- Understand that each person has their own story or perspective on the situation.

- Share your perspective and invite the other person to share theirs.


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Express Feelings Appropriately

- Acknowledge and articulate your own emotions without blame.

- Create a safe space for the other person to express their feelings as well.


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Reframe Blame to Contribution

 - Move away from assigning blame and instead focus on how each person may have contributed to the situation.

  - Understanding contributions can lead to solutions and prevent defensiveness.


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Map the Contribution System

Map the Contribution System

- Identify how both parties' actions, decisions, and behaviors contributed to the current situation.

- Look at patterns and dynamics rather than isolated incidents.


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Disentangle Intent from Impact

Disentangle Intent from Impact

- Recognize that the impact of actions can differ from the intent behind them.

- Discuss both the intent and the impact to clarify misunderstandings.


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Acknowledge the Other Person's Feelings and Needs

Acknowledge the Other Person's Feelings and Needs

- Show empathy and validate the other person’s feelings.

- Address underlying needs and concerns to find common ground.


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Prepare for the Conversation

Prepare for the Conversation

- Reflect on your own feelings and contributions before entering the conversation.

- Consider the best time and setting for a productive discussion.


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Maintain an Open Dialogue

Maintain an Open Dialogue

- Keep the lines of communication open even after the initial conversation.

  - Be willing to revisit the discussion as needed to ensure a lasting resolution.


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People almost never change without first feeling understood



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It's is a comprehensive guide on navigating challenging conversations. Here are the key takeaways in pointers:

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