Rewire Your Anxious Brain - Deepstash

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How Does the Amygdala Affect Anxiety?

How Does the Amygdala Affect Anxiety?

The amygdala triggers anxiety by rapidly processing potential threats and initiating the body's stress response. It can overreact to harmless stimuli, causing unnecessary fear. This instinctive reaction bypasses rational thought, explaining why anxiety often feels beyond our control.


533 reads

Can Thoughts Really Cause Anxiety?

Can Thoughts Really Cause Anxiety?

Yes, thoughts can indeed cause anxiety. The cortex, our brain's thinking center, can generate anxious thoughts through worry, negative self-talk, and catastrophizing. These thought patterns activate the body's stress response, leading to physical symptoms of anxiety even in the absence of real danger.


420 reads

What is Neuroplasticity's Role in Reducing Anxiety?

What is Neuroplasticity's Role in Reducing Anxiety?

Neuroplasticity allows the brain to form new neural connections, helping reduce anxiety. By consistently practicing relaxation techniques and challenging anxious thoughts, we can create new, calmer response patterns. Over time, this rewiring makes the brain less prone to anxiety reactions.


393 reads

How Does Mindfulness Combat Anxiety?

How Does Mindfulness Combat Anxiety?

Mindfulness combats anxiety by focusing attention on the present moment, interrupting worry cycles about the future. It increases awareness of thoughts and bodily sensations without judgment, allowing us to observe anxiety objectively. This detachment reduces the power of anxious thoughts and feelings.


356 reads

How do you handle stress

How do you handle stress

Now I would like to know how my followers and visitors handle stress.And what is the most important advice,you would give someone that is suffering from anxiety?


373 reads



I believe that the vastness of the internet holds content that can aid each of you on your path to self-improvement. My hope is to curate and deliver this content to you, supporting your journey towards becoming a better version of yourself!


I made this post because these days I had to make some pretty import the decisions and I think that focusing on the aspect of anxiety can be pretty important because it has a lot of effect on our daily lives. So I hope that this book may be useful for you.

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