Your attention span is probably shorter than it used to be, and How to fix it. - Deepstash
Your attention span is probably shorter than it used to be, and How to fix it.

Your attention span is probably shorter than it used to be, and How to fix it.

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What is attention span?

What is attention span?

Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D., clinical associate in psychology says, that attention span refers to the length of time we can be focused or mindful, without distraction, to a partial stimulus. Research results are showing the average attention span for many tasks can also decrease, especially when it comes to screens.


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What expert says about attention span?

What expert says about attention span?

Gloria Mark, Ph.D., is a psychologist who wrote a book called “Attention Span” and co-authored studies about attention span. The first study in 2004 showed the average attention span for screens was two and a half minutes. In 2012, the attention span was 75 seconds, and the most recent research shows 47 seconds.

These studies have shown that your attention span decreases and gets shorter and shorter. It would seem that we need to take a deeper look at why our attention spans are getting so short.


79 reads

Why is your attention span so short?

Why is your attention span so short?

Several factors contribute to your attention span becoming short. They could be sleep deprivation, a distracting environment, and gadget screens.

Screens can be the ultimate culprit in robbing you of your attention span, shortening it, and leading to loss of focus, distorted memories, or killing your concentration because they overstimulate the brain.

Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D., says, “The brain is getting such a big reward, leading to the craving of more instant forms of gratifications.” 


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Causes your attention span become shorter

Causes your attention span become shorter

Several factors contribute to your attention span getting shorter. They can include a lack of sleep, a distracting environment, and screens on gadgets.

Lack of sleep is another focus killer, as sleep is an enhancer of executive function. Many advantages of sleep can improve you in many parts of your life.

Also, a noisy or cluttered environment can easily distract you. A little bit of sound or motion from other people can sometimes trigger you to disrupt your attention span.


60 reads

What qualifies as a short attention span?

What qualifies as a short attention span?

There are multiple variables in deciding whether your attention span is normal or short. “Factors such as the task, interest, age, expectations, and environment can shape the definition of a long or short attention span,” Olivardia says.

This qualifies as a short attention span if you can't stay on task and recall information. That would be a sign.


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Let's explore some condition of a short attention span

Let's explore some condition of a short attention span

Let's illustrate some conditions to help you understand better:

"If we talk about a work project, but you think about what we're having for dinner. It shows that you are paying attention to your thoughts, not the work project. It is a sign that you are not concentrating on the thing you should be concentrating on, but are distracted by another event that has not yet occurred."


54 reads

Is having a short attention span bad?

Is having a short attention span bad?

Olivardia says it can be. So, he describes the disadvantages of having a short attention span, they are:

  • Decreased executive functioning
  • Decreased ability to absorb and process information
  • Poor working memory
  • Problems with decision-making
  • Problems with organization
  • Problems with time management
  • Difficulty carrying out longer-term projects
  • Difficulty with emotional regulation

Those lists can lead to another problem such as your social relationship getting weak, getting difficult at school or work and you may also struggle to enjoy the moment of the activities or events. 


50 reads

Is it possible to improve your attention span?

Is it possible to improve your attention span?

Yes, it is possible. You should put in a lot of effort to improve, and there may also be other reasons for your attention span, such as genetics, diet, health habits, and the severity of the impairment.

Olivardia adds, “You may also never be able to fully repair your attention span if you had a case such as head trauma, medical conditions, or severe substance. Because of this, you cannot always fully repair your attention span, but you can always work to improve it." 

Improving attention changes some of your daily practices and the timeline of how long you've had short attention and your health.


49 reads

How can you increase your focus and attention?

How can you increase your focus and attention?

Here are some tips to improve or correct your short attention span:

  • Check your sleep schedule
  • Have healthy foods
  • Take screen breaks
  • Go exercise
  • Meditate with calm music
  • Go outside more often


63 reads



Wondering how to increase the attention span, because as we know, humans keep losing the ability to focus for each decade. If you’re also curious about how the attention span is getting shorter and shorter, let’s explore how it could happen and how to fix it!

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