How to Let Go: Learning to Deal with Loss - Deepstash
How to Let Go: Learning to Deal with Loss

How to Let Go: Learning to Deal with Loss

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Learning To Deal With Loss

We all have dealt with loss, whether through the death of loved ones or by the ending of romantic relationships. We all have lost jobs, friends and many of our old belief patterns, experiences, passions and perspectives. We also have lost our former, naive selves.

When we face loss, whether, through a break-up or a divorce, we lose a part of ourselves. This has been going on since eternity, as perfect, happily-ever-after relationships are mostly the stuff of the Disney channel.


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Loss Of Intimate Relationship: The End Of Meaning

  • By far, the most painful loss, a breakup/divorce robs us of meaning, and we are then unable to feel good ourselves due to the time and energy suddenly left without any meaningful activity.
  • As meaning gets destroyed, a part of our identity goes away, and happiness, which is connected to meaning(and not money, or success), also goes away with it. 
  • This feeling of meaninglessness and emptiness results in sadness and also depression. Self-love and self-care are important factors to counter the negative effects of loss.


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Toxic Vs Healthy Relationships

Toxic relationships are those where the partners are emotionally dependent on each other, and need drama to survive, unable to accept real love, respect and care. Like the ‘bad boy’ syndrome, toxic people continuously need unloving people to love them.

Healthy relationships are when the partners love and respect one another, and are interdependent emotionally. These people are complete within themselves and are standing like mountains, blissfully ready to be loved and respected.


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Signs You Are In A Toxic Relationship

  1. Life without your relationship, no matter how insecure and miserable it is, seems impossible. This can also apply to workplaces, political groups or family members.
  2. The relationship is harming other relationships in your life and is dominating your entire day and night.
  3. Your loving, caring and giving is only reciprocated with anger and hurt.


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How To Be Better At Accepting Loss

  1. Old memories of us being amazing in the past, having awesome lives is actually not entirely true, as humans have a tendency to remember the good stuff only. 
  2. Our brain has always been on a hedonic treadmill, falsely believing the next goal will make us happy. The present moment is where happiness resides.
  3. Surround yourself with people who love, respect and appreciate you.
  4. When faced with drama or toxic relationships, understand that this is inevitable and can be used to pluck out other similar relationships.


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Invest In A Relationship With Yourself

  • The way we treat our body, mind and emotions is crucial to our relationships, as our first prerogative is to invest in, improve and take care of ourselves.
  • One should live completely, with or without a relationship, and not live simply to please others. An obligatory or transactional relationship is on a shaky foundation.
  • It’s okay to be single for a while and learn to spend time with oneself.


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