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Attitude Is Everything Summary

About Attitude Is Everything Book


Do you dread going to work? Do you feel tired, unhappy, weighed down? Have you given up on your dreams? The road to a happier, more successful life starts with your attitude--and your attitude is within your control.Whether your outlook is negative, positive or somewhere in between, Jeff Keller, motivational speaker and coach, will show you how to take control and unleash your hidden potential through three powerful steps:--THINK! Success begins in the mind. The power of attitude can change your destiny.--SPEAK! Watch your words. How you speak can propel you towards your goals.--ACT! Don't sit back. Take active steps to turn your dreams into reality.Soon, you will be energized and see new possibilities. You will be able to counter adversities and develop talents unique to you. Your relationships will improve, both at work and in your personal life. All you need is this step-by-step programme to change your attitude and your life!

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Attitude Is Everything by Jeff Keller

A short chapter by chapter summary of this amazing book. Hope you find it helpful!

Your Window Of Perception

Your Window Of Perception

You see the world through your window of perception. This window often gets smudged by your experiences, the opinions of society, the views of the people you associate with, etc.

The first thing you have to do to begin on your path to success is to clean this window and see the world as it is. By cleaning up your prejudices and bias, you will be open to ideas, opportunities, and life.



Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right.



Your Thoughts Shape You

Your Thoughts Shape You

We become what we think about all day. What we think plays a vital role in shaping our opinions and actions. Our brains are marvellous. If you strongly think you want something, you will eventually get it!

This isn't philosophical woo woo. There is an actual effect called Frequency Bias or The Baader-Maenhoff effect. If you think a lot about something, you will notice more things about it and increase your overall opportunities by being more perceptive.


Our Thoughts Drive Our Circumstances

Our Thoughts Drive Our Circumstances

  • Our thoughts dominate and drive our circumstances.
  • Your attitude toward your life and the people around you is your window to the world.
  • If you think you can do something, then you can . If you think you canโ€™t, then you canโ€™t . Youโ€™re right either way, as your attitude will impact your outcomes. So try to change your attitude to one that is more positive.ย 


Your Attitude Is a Mental Filter

Your Attitude Is a Mental Filter

  • Attitude is the mental filter through which we experience the world.
  • Your window is your perspective on the world. We all start with a clean window when we are young. But with age, our window gets covered in dirt from everything life throws at us: criticism, ridicule, rejection and disappointment.ย 
  • This dirt is what makes us doubt our capabilities. Doubt feeds negative attitudes.
  • Clean those Dirts!!


Visualization Is a Skill

Visualization Is a Skill

  • Keller encourages readers to create mental movies in their minds, picturing every milestone toward the ultimate goal they want to achieve.
  • You must also rid your mind of old mental images that remind you of negative factors, like failure and disappointment.
  • If you are still failing, then you are still holding on to pictures of lower aspiration or failure.


Exploring how Jeff Keller's "Attitude is Everything" shows that a positive mindset can transform your life


โ€œLife doesnโ€™t reward those who refuse to expose themselves to difficulties and challenges.โ€



Why do some people thrive while others struggle?

Why do some people thrive while others struggle?

Well, Jeff Keller's got the answer, and itโ€™s so simple itโ€™ll make you shake your head in disbelief.

Attitude. Thatโ€™s it. Thatโ€™s the secret sauce.


Attitude is Everything!

Attitude is Everything!

In his book "Attitude is Everything," Keller tells us that your mood makes your life what it is. The software in your brain is like the operating system. If you're using old, lousy software, life will feel like moving slowly.

Keller didn't think this way at first. He was a lawyer who was unhappy at his job. Then, he felt that his thoughts were making him sad. He changed his mind like a scientist in a lab to see how it worked. Also, guess what? One thought at a time, his life began to change.


Quotes can give you power to change your life.You have to bring improvements in your life because no one can do it for you.Don't gamble on the future, act now without delay


Quotes from the book 'Attitude is everything' by 'Jeff Keller'. I bet if you apply them in your daily life, you will see positive outcomes.



<p>The greatest discovery of m...

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.

~William James


<p>You are not what you think ...

You are not what you think you are.But what you thing ----YOU ARE!

~Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


1. Your Attitude Shapes Your Life

The book emphasizes that your attitude determines how you approach lifeโ€™s challenges. A positive attitude can help you overcome obstacles, while a negative attitude holds you back. Your thoughts and beliefs influence your actions, and ultimately, your results.


2. You Are in Control of Your Attitude

Explanation: Attitude is a choice. You can't always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it. Keller stresses the importance of taking responsibility for your attitude rather than blaming external circumstances


3. Think Positive to Change Your Life

Positive thinking is powerful. Focusing on positive outcomes helps you visualize success and attract opportunities. By maintaining a mindset of optimism, you open the door to personal growth and achievement.


Your Attitude Is Your Window to the World.

Your Attitude Is Your Window to the World.

  • Your success initially depends on the way that you think
  • A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
  • The key to success can be identified in just 6 words "WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT."
  • The idea is that there is a power within each of us that propels us in the direction of our current dominating thought, if your thoughts are dominating toward positivity you will get positive results and if in negative you will get a negative result.
  • If your thought doesn't change, your result won't change.



There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.



You are a Human Magnet.

You are a Human Magnet.

Two important action steps to help you become more positive and get the result you want.

  • Every day, read some positive, uplifting literature.
  • Every day, listen to motivational audio programs.

Now you all have a question, why it is important to read or listen every day, it is important because you have to remember one golden statement " Change your thinking and you change your life."

Positive thinking doesn't mean you won't have any more problems. Believe me, you will have plenty of setbacks along the way. However, if you continue to believe in yourself you will overcome all those problems.


Thomas Jefferson

โ€œNothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal.

Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.โ€



Stop thinking negative

Stop thinking negative

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Repeat anything often and it will start to become you. That's why we have to repeat only the positive thoughts, because dreams come true.


Think about achieving your goal

Think about achieving your goal

If you can think about achieving your goal and if you are committed, you need not worry at the outset about โ€œHow to achieve it.โ€


A guide to change your life with just your attitude


The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.




The path to success and motivation is not always "full speed ahead"... but rather a journey where we take a few steps back before regaining our momentum.



Brief points from the book Attitude is everything.

You Are What You Think Whole Day.

You Are What You Think Whole Day.

Think productive or think about what you want to be. The key word here is DOMINANT. You canโ€™t expect positive results when you spend 10 seconds a day thinking positivelyโ€ฆ and the remaining 16 waking hours dwelling on negative outcomes!


Think Of What U Want To Achieve And Make It A Habit.

Think Of What U Want To Achieve And Make It A Habit.

Look at positive thinking in the same way. A little bit just doesnโ€™t get the job done. Instead, you must take control of your mental activity and think positively throughout each and every day until it becomes a habit. Remember, it has to be your dominant thought pattern.


You Win When You Start.

You Win When You Start.

Consider yourself an immediate winner when you take the step and do the thing you fear. Thatโ€™s right. Youโ€™re a winner just by entering the arena and participating, regardless of the result.


Jeff keller

ong>โ€œYou see, when you change your attitude, sparks fly in the universe. Youโ€™re energized. You begin to see new possibilities. You move into action. You achieve extraordinary results. Thatโ€™s why I say when you change your attitude, you change your life!โ€



1. Focus more on positives

1. Focus more on positives

Your attitude towards your life & other people around you is your window to the world. Your attitude & way of thinking will impact your outcomes. Thus, try to have a positive attitude towards yourself as well as others.


2. Importance of visualizing your success

2. Importance of visualizing your success

If you're not winning in your head, you cannot win in the world. It is important to create scenarios in your head along with every milestone towards the ultimate goal you wish to achieve


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