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You are learning to use more of your mind and to use it in a special manner.”



5.71K reads

Passive Meditation

Passive Meditation

When you awaken in the morning, go to the bathroom if necessary, then return to bed. Set your alarm for fifteen minutes later in case you drift off to sleep during the exercise. Close your eyes and look upward, behind your eyelids, at a 20-degree angle. This position of the eyes alone will trigger the brain to produce Alpha.

  Now, slowly, at about two-second intervals, count backward from one hundred to one. As you do this, keep your mind on it, and you will be in Alpha the very first time.”


4.9K reads

<p class="ql-align-justify">“I...

“I will slowly come out as I count from one to five, feeling wide awake and better than before. One two—prepare to open your eyes—three—open eyes—four—five—eyes open, wide awake, feeling better than before.


4.13K reads

Practice The Alpha Mind

Practice The Alpha Mind

“Sit in a comfortable chair or on a bed with your feet flat on the floor. Let your hands let loosely in your lap. If you prefer, sit cross-legged, in the lotus position. Hold your head well balanced, not slumped. Now concentrate on first one part of the body, then another, to consciously relax it. Start with your left foot, then the left leg, then the right foot, and so on, until you reach the throat, the face, the eyes, and finally the scalp. You will be amazed the first time you do this at how tense your body was.


3.12K reads

<p>Now pick a spot about <stro...

Now pick a spot about 45 degrees above eye level on the ceiling or the wall opposite you. Gaze at this spot until your eyelids begin to feel a little heavy and let them close. Start your countdown from fifty to one. Do this for ten days, then ten to one for another ten days, then five to one from then on. Since you will no longer be limited to the mornings for this practice, establish a routine of meditating two or three times a day, about fifteen minutes a session.”


2.54K reads

Practice Visualization

Practice Visualization

“The first step is to create a tool for visualization, a mental screen. It should be like a large movie screen but should not quite fill your mental vision. Imagine it not behind your eyelids but about six feet in front of you. You will project onto this screen whatever you choose to concentrate on. Later there will be other uses for it.


2.38K reads

<p>Once you have built this sc...

Once you have built this screen in your mind, project onto it something familiar and simple, like an orange or an apple. Each time you go to your level, stay with just one image; you may change it the next time. Concentrate on making it more and more real—in three dimensions, in full color, in all its details. Think of nothing else.”

“If you do this and nothing else, you will experience what William Wordsworth called “A happy stillness of mind,” and more, a deep and durable inner peace.”


1.92K reads

Dynamic Meditation

Dynamic Meditation

“You will now see why the simple exercise of visualizing an apple, or whatever else you choose, on a mental screen is so important.


2.16K reads

<p>“Now, before you go to your...

“Now, before you go to your level, think of something pleasant—no matter how trivial—that happened yesterday or today. Review it briefly in your mind, then go well into your level and project onto your mental screen the total incident What were the sights, the smells, the sounds, and your feelings at that time? All the details. You will be surprised at the difference between your Beta memory of the incident and your Alpha recall of it. It is almost as great as the difference between saying the word “swim” and actually swimming.”


1.62K reads

Giant Leap

Giant Leap

“We are going to connect a real event with a desirable one that you imagine—and see what becomes of the imaginary one. If you operate according to some Very simple laws, the imaginary event will become real.”


1.67K reads


“You must desire that the event take place. ‘The first person I see on the sidewalk tomorrow will be blowing his nose” is so useless a project to work on that your mind will turn away from it; it will probably not work. Your boss will be more agreeable, a certain customer will be more receptive to what you are selling, you will find satisfaction in a task you ordinarily find disagreeable—these are prospects that can engage a reasonable measure of desire.”



1.56K reads


“You must believe the event can take place. If your customer is overstocked with what you sell, you cannot reasonably believe he will be eager to buy. If you cannot believe the event can reasonably take place, your mind will be working against it.”



1.48K reads


“You must expect the event to take place. This is a subtle law. The first two are simple and passive—this third one”

“introduces some dynamics. It is possible to desire an event believe it can take place, and still not expect it to take place. You want your boss to be pleasant tomorrow, you know that he can be, but you may still be some distance from expecting it. This is where Mind Control and effective visualization come in, as we will see in a moment.”



1.23K reads


“You cannot create a problem. Not may not but cannot. This is a basic, all-controlling law. “Wouldn’t it be great if I could get my boss to make such an ass of himself that hell be fired and I'll get his job?” When you are working dynamically in Alpha you are in touch with Higher Intelligence, and from the perspective of Higher Intelligence it would not be great at all. You may trip up your boss and get him fired, but you will be entirely on your own—and in Beta. In Alpha it simply will not work.”



1.24K reads

Dynamic Meditation Training

Dynamic Meditation Training

“Choose a real problem that you face, one that has not yet resolved itself. As an illustration, let us say that your boss has been ill-tempered lately. There are three steps to go through once you reach your level:


1.19K reads

Dynamic Meditation 1

Dynamic Meditation 1

  • On your mental screen, thoroughly re-create a recent event which involved the problem. Relive it for a moment.”


1.24K reads

Dynamic Meditation 2

Dynamic Meditation 2

  • Gently push this scene off the screen to the right. Slide onto the screen another scene that will take place tomorrow. In this scene everyone around the boss is cheerful and the boss is on the receiving end of good news. He is clearly in a better mood now. I'll you know specifically what was causing the problem, visualize the solution at work. Visualize it as vividly as you did the problem.”


1.02K reads

Dynamic Meditation 3

Dynamic Meditation 3

  • Now push this scene off the screen to the right and replace it with another from the left The boss is happy now, fully as pleasant as you know he can be. Experience this scene as vividly as if it had actually happened. Stay with it for a while, get the full feel of it.

  Now, at the count of five you will be wide awake feeling better than before. You can be confident that you have just put forces to work for you in the direction of creating the event you want.”


902 reads

The 3 Fingers Technique

The 3 Fingers Technique

Once it becomes really yours, improves in effectiveness as you use it.”

“Just bring together the thumb and first two fingers of either hand and your mind will instantly adjust to a deeper level. Try it now and nothing will happen; it is not yet a triggering mechanism. To make it one, go to your level and say to yourself (silently or aloud), “Whenever I join my fingers together like this”—now join them—“for a serious purpose I will instantly reach this level of mind to accomplish whatever I Desires"


1.04K reads


“How free we are when we dream! The barriers of time, the limitations of space, the laws of logic, the constraints of conscience are all swept away and we are gods of our own fleeting creations.”



952 reads

Three steps to Dream Control

Three steps to Dream Control

  1. Recall your dreams.
  2. Meditate before going to sleep, "I want to remember a dream. I am remember a dream.” -prepare a pencil and book besides you.
  3. Program yourself, “I want to have a dream that will contain information to solve the problem I have in mind. I will have such a dream, remember it, and understand it.


948 reads


"Your words have POWER"



1.21K reads


Day by day, in every way, I'm getting Better and Better"

“Repeat twenty times in succession”

"Twice a day"



1.06K reads

Basic Principles

Basic Principles

  1. We can think of only one thing at a time, and
  2. When we concentrate on a thought the thought becomes true because our bodies transform it into action.


970 reads

The Power Of Imagination

The Power Of Imagination

  • Sight, "how you see yourself".
  • Touch, "feels it using your skins."
  • Smell, "imagine the odor."
  • Hearing, "hear it when they said about your accomplishments."
  • Emotions, how will your attitude toward yourself feel as a result of achieving this goal?


875 reads


“When the will and the imagination are in conflict, it is always the imagination that wins”



971 reads


“Positive thinking works beautifully on a reducing diet Never think once about what you are giving up but concentrate on what you are getting.”



958 reads

Using Your Mind To Improve Your Health

Using Your Mind To Improve Your Health

Self healing procedure :

The first is to begin—in Beta—to feel yourself becoming a loving (and therefore a forgiving) person, and to consider love as an end in itself.

Second, go to your level.

Third, mentally speak to yourself about step one: Express your desire to achieve a thorough mental housecleaning—to use positive words, to think positively, to become a loving, forgiving person.

Fourth, mentally experience the illness that is troubling you. Briefly.

Fifth, quickly erase this image of your illness and experience yourself as completely cured.


821 reads


"Visualize their disease"

"Visualize their treatment"

"Visualize their body immune mechanism"



957 reads



The very first time you try it you will be convinced and, with variations you may develop, it may become a permanent part of your lives together.


873 reads

Steps By Steps - Part 1

Steps By Steps - Part 1

  • Select a place where you both feel happiest, most relaxed. Any place with especially pleasant memories you share. It can even be a place neither of you has ever seen—you can create it together. Do not, however, select a place where only one of you has been. This will skew the symmetry of the experience and reduce the sense of sharing.
  • Sit comfortably, close, facing each other. Relax and let your eyes close.


716 reads

Steps By Steps - Part 2

Steps By Steps - Part 2

  • One of you will say to the other something like this: “I'm going to count slowly from ten to one, and with each count you will feel yourself going deeper into a pleasant, meditative level of mind. Ten—nine—feel going deeper—eight—seven—six—deeper and deeper—five—four—deeper still—three—two—one. You are now relaxed, at a deep, pleasant level of mind. With your help, I will join you there.


684 reads

Steps By Steps - Part 3

Steps By Steps - Part 3

  • The other will say, “I will count slowly from ten to one, and with each count well come closer in a deep level of mind. Ten—nine—feel going deeper with me—eight—seven—six—deeper and deeper together— five—four—deeper still and closer—three—two—one. We are now both relaxed, at a pleasant level of mind. Let us go deeper together.
  • The first person will say, “All right, let’s go very deep together. Let’s experience our place of relaxation together. The more we experience this, the deeper we will go. Notice the sky…


599 reads

Steps By Steps - Part 4

Steps By Steps - Part 4

  • Yes … it’s clear, with a few drifting clouds.” Each of you will slowly, spontaneously, describe the scene you are experiencing togetherthe temperature, the colors, the sounds, all the pleasant details.
  • When you are both at a deep level—no hurry about this—and fully experiencing your place of relaxation, one of you will say to the other, “I want most in life to make you happy, and only then do I want to make myself happy.


598 reads

Steps By Steps - Part 5

Steps By Steps - Part 5

  • The other will say, “And I want most to make you happy, and only then to make myself happy.”
  • Allow a periodas long as you want—of silent communion, then awaken. For some, this period of silent communion may be experienced even more deeply by gazing into each other’s eyes. It is entirely possible for the experienced meditator to remain at Alpha or Theta with eyes open. If you are not comfortable with this, do not force it.


573 reads

ESP (Effective Sensory Projection)

ESP (Effective Sensory Projection)

  • In Mind Control we do not simply perceive, we actually project our awareness to where the desired information is. Perception is too passive a word for what we do. Therefore in Mind Control we speak of “Effective Sensory Projection.” which a better term then extra sensory perception.
  • By the time you have mastered all the techniques so far, you will be well on your way to practicing ESP. You will be able to enter deep levels of mind and remain fully conscious, and you will be able to visualize things and events with the fullness of five-senses reality.


674 reads

How To Help Others With Mind Control

How To Help Others With Mind Control

Go to your meditative level and project this person onto your mental screen as he is, with whatever ailment is troubling him. Place another image on the screen to the left, showing something being done to correct the problem. (If you have not met the person and are not yet ready for case work, try to learn beforehand what he looks like to make your visualization as accurate as possible.)


631 reads

<p><strong>Now project onto th...

Now project onto the screenstill farther left—a vivid image of the person in perfect health, filled with energy and optimism. In deep meditation you are acutely receptive to what you say to yourself. This particular moment is crucial to developing a conviction that the happy image you now have of the person is the real one —not that it is becoming real or that it will be real, but that it is real. The reason for this is that at this meditative level, at Alpha and Theta, your mind is in league with causes.


545 reads


“What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall receive them.”



743 reads

The End Of The Journey?

The End Of The Journey?

Student ask, “At what point does a person know he has gotten out of Mind Control everything there is to get?

Silva replied, “When you realize what enormous powers we were all born with, when you see in your own experience that these powers can only be used constructively, you come to realize that there is a dignity and a purpose behind our presence on this planet, to evolve and this evolution is now our own, individual responsibility.”


666 reads



Still learning to love to read, my journey are still babystep.. take 1 step at a time.


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