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Ways To Become Mentally Stronger

Ways To Become Mentally Stronger

Mentally strong people can unlock the door of courage to bounce back stronger when life storms hit them to avoid depression and anxiety. The key question is, can you develop a stronger mindset? Absolutely, it’s a behavior trait we can all develop and improve!

At some point in our life, we all experience some form of pain. For example, this can be from losing a loved one, getting sick, or lacking the motivation to achieve our day-to-day aspirations.

All those examples can be terrifying and hard to manage if we fail to understand how to control emotional triggers and thoughts successfully.


46 reads

Do what you plan accomplish it

Do what you plan accomplish it

Nothing better than achieving what have you planned out. Most people plan a lot, do too little, and never finish what they started. This is a problem because anytime you don't finish, deep inside, you feel kind of incomplete, and that will make you weaker with time.

As soon as you plan something, execute! You may not achieve the goal right away but, you are closer to do it than when you started.


28 reads

Master your emotions

Master your emotions

If you think you’re going to fail, you have already convinced yourself you will. It’s the power of positive thinking that will give you the best chance to succeed in your life. Don’t worry, re-framing your mind with this technique takes time but through repetition, you will change your outlook from negative to positive.

Our emotions play a big role in how we act or react to negative situations. It’s therefore important internally to understand and acknowledge your feelings, and how they affect our decisions.


31 reads

Say nice things to your self daily

Say nice things to your self daily

Make a commitment to cut down on the negative self-talk and pump up the nice things you say to yourself. You may feel ridiculous at first as you become your own cheerleader in your head, but think about how great you’ll feel as you make stronger and stronger decisions about your life.

Those same decisions are what will keep you moving toward your goal.

Be mindful, negative thoughts can sneak their way in really quickly, when you catch them, just recognize them as untrue (even if you have to say it out loud) and replace them with a positive thought.


16 reads

Stop letting emotions take best of you.

Stop letting emotions take best of you.

Use reason and logic when making decisions, not what you feel at the time. Your life has a purpose, you have goals to accomplish. Those are your guidelines, anything that doesn't contribute to them will stop you, and emotions are one of those things.

Stay calm, remember your purposes and keep on going regardless of circumstances.


16 reads

No risk no reward

No risk no reward

You can only develop yourself if you have the courage to take the risk. Whether your challenge is about leaving your current job to start your own business or breaking unhealthy relationships, it’s all about taking risks to move to the next level in your life and seizing the opportunity.

Breaking new ground and achieving new goals means taking risks you once thought were impossible. The word itself gives you the best clue.


10 reads

Practice Mindful happiness while commuting

Practice Mindful happiness while commuting

Mindfulness is about being in the moment. To get comfortable with being happy, practicing being mindfully happy.

Take an event or moment or memory when you are feeling good, and let yourself indulge in the feeling. Look at how it sits in your body, how your thoughts change, how your body changes, and what it feels like; see if there are any colors which it may feel like.

Spend some time in your happy mood. At the end of it, notice the feeling of happiness and joy, it comes from you, and it spontaneously shows up when you are mindfully in the moment.


14 reads

Create healthy environment

Create healthy environment

Always try to create a healthy atmosphere around you. You can do this by strengthening others. Have you ever felt weak or irritated around someone while strengthened and happy around someone else? Well, that is because that person exhibits certain traits that affect their environment.

Whom would you want to spend more time with? The one that makes you feel motivated, comfortable, powerful, driven, strengthened, or with someone who makes you feel fearful, afraid, poor, weak, and vulnerable.

You would definitely go with the person who fills you with power. Similarly, you have to be that person.


14 reads

Small wins make for big gains

Small wins make for big gains

Simple wins in life make us feel good, through feeling better we become mentally stronger.

For Example, if you decided one morning to start running, don’t start with 5 miles per day, instead, start with 5 miles per week and give yourself a target you know you can achieve.

Set yourself small targets that you can tick off, the goal is to set yourself up for success, not failure. Simple wins make us feel good, through feeling better we feel mentally stronger.


12 reads

Do a hobby or activity daily

Do a hobby or activity daily

This is a great form of self-care. See if you can’t find a hobby or activity which you enjoy just because it makes you feel better.

As you become more confident and competent at it, you’ll discover how confidence and self-belief will pool over into other areas of your life.

The positive talk you use and the joy you find in your hobby will help make you mentally stronger as you tackle the harder aspects of your chosen goal.


15 reads



Businesses man, Reader, learner and most important investor in self to become better version for myself and WORLD.

Syed Tanveer Pasha's ideas are part of this journey:

Managing Perfectionism

Learn more about psychology with this collection

How to manage anxiety and self-doubt

Strategies for setting realistic goals

The importance of self-compassion and self-care

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