We Studied 100 SaaS Sites To Uncover Design Trends + Best Practices (Here’s What We Found) - Deepstash
We Studied 100 SaaS Sites To Uncover Design Trends + Best Practices (Here’s What We Found)

We Studied 100 SaaS Sites To Uncover Design Trends + Best Practices (Here’s What We Found)

Curated from: medium.com

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Video Can Be Found On A Little Under 55% Of Sites

Video Can Be Found On A Little Under 55% Of Sites

Only a little over half of Saas companies use Video on their Homepages. The majority of Saas companies leverage Video but not by a significant margin. Only a little over half of Saas companies use them.


10 reads

There’s Always Primary Call To Action Above The Fold

There’s Always Primary Call To Action Above The Fold

There’s a clear best practice in the SaaS community that your call to action driving people to do something needs to be above the fold. More than 90% of all sites that were included in this SaaS Design research had a button or call to action above the fold. 


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The Placement Of The Call To Action Varies

The Placement Of The Call To Action Varies

Across all of these sites there was very little consistency in where the call to action was placed. Some of them were placed in the far left of the web page, some were drop dead in the middle and others were far off to the right. The best practice when it comes to placement of the CTA seems to be a complete coin flip amongst SaaS companies. 


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What Colors Do SaaS Companies Use For Buttons?

What Colors Do SaaS Companies Use For Buttons?

When analyzing the various call to actions there was a clear trend towards green and orange buttons. 


12 reads

Using A Light Background Is Best Practice

Using A Light Background Is Best Practice

It’s not common to see a site that has a black background in SaaS

Most of the sites (92% of them) used white or light colors as the primary background for their sites.


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Half Of The SaaS Brands Use A Live Chat Tool

Half Of The SaaS Brands Use A Live Chat Tool

The rise of live chat and conversational marketing has been a fascinating trend to watch. As this idea of embracing real-time conversations with prospects (or using bots) continues to catch traction it’s clearly becoming popular amongst B2B SaaS companies. 

Our research found that nearly 50% of SaaS sites have a chat box in the corner ready to be engaged with. Across most of these sites, the services being used were Intercom or Drift.


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So Should You Follow The Standards?

Here’s a list of things to do if you want a site that isn’t like everyone else: 

  • Don’t use flat illustration as an abstract representation of your brand 
  • Don’t use dark orange or yellow buttons on your homepage 
  • Don’t left align your value proposition on the site 
  • Place your logo in the middle or on the right 
  • Use a dark background for your site 


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Brand Logos Are Always On The Left Hand Side

Brand Logos Are Always On The Left Hand Side

The placement of the logo on the top left of a website is a common design best practice. It’s an approach that most designers leverage inside of SaaS and outside of SaaS. It’s a logical choice recognizing that most people in North America view a site from left to right.


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Most SaaS Websites Are Mobile Responsive

Most SaaS Websites Are Mobile Responsive

Responsive sites are a great way to ensure you don’t deliver broken experiences for people on a desktop or visiting on mobile.


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Custom Illustrations Are Very Common (70%)

Custom Illustrations Are Very Common (70%)

The rise of custom illustrations have swept the SaaS community by storm. It’s something that for the last 3 years has been popping up on site after site after site. Our professional opinion is that this is a trend but it’s only a few percentage points off from becoming a best practice.


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Free Demo Is The Most Popular Call To Action

The sites we reviewed that have a call to action typically have a clear thing that they want people to do. The majority of them use action-oriented language (%%) and push the visitor to do something that pushes them further in the funnel. Some variations include:

  • Schedule A Demo
  • Request A Demo
  • Get A Free Demo
  • Get X For Free
  • Get Started
  • Try X


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