30-Day Dopamine Detox: Guide on How To Boost Your Productivity - Deepstash

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30-Day Dopamine Detox

30-Day Dopamine Detox

There’s no stronger feeling than dopamine.

We seek it, and we love it. And we desire it every second of our lives.

But too much dopamine can become dangerous.

If you engage in activities that release too much dopamine, your brain gets used to it . And soon enough, you enter a vicious cycle that is hard to escape. Your motivation will lower , and your mood will worsen . And then, your productivity will drop as well.


1.66K reads

What is dopamine addiction? (1)

What is dopamine addiction? (1)

The correlation between dopamine and productivity might be slim. But it exists. And it has a significant impact on your life.

Our brain tries to balance neurotransmitters to function at its best. But when over-stimulated, it will adapt by reducing the dopamine receptors (downregulation). Therefore, next time, it will require more dopamine to feel the same level of satisfaction. And over time, you will rarely feel satisfied anymore.


1.47K reads

What is dopamine addiction? (2)

What is dopamine addiction? (2)

Besides all the mental health problems , productivity will suffer the most from your dopamine addiction.

  • If your body gets used to pleasure, you will experience a lack of motivation , focus , and drive .
  • You won’t focus on the activities that matter anymore because your body has already received its reward.
  • So you will procrastinate . You won’t be productive. And you will have difficulty achieving your goals.

So if you want to boost your productivity, here is a complete guide from my successful 30-day dopamine detox challenge.


1.29K reads

The Challenge

The Challenge

You are reading an excerpt from The Challenge, a newsletter where I discuss self-improvement, goal-setting, habits, time management, and health tips and tricks.

Every week you will get:

  • a challenge to pursue to improve your life
  • an infographic to track it.

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1.35K reads

3 Benefits of a Dopamine Detox (1)

3 Benefits of a Dopamine Detox (1)

A 30-day dopamine detox won’t be easy. I know because I failed many times before my first successful attempt. But the rewards are worth the pain.

My first successful challenge improved my mental health, motivation, social life, and overall well-being. But it also helped my productivity.

In the following months, I experienced at least three other benefits.


1.16K reads

3 Benefits of Dopamine Detox (2)

3 Benefits of Dopamine Detox (2)

  1. Higher motivation. Feeling unmotivated is the biggest problem of dopamine addiction. Exposing your brain to pleasure won’t motivate you to pursue goals and complete tasks anymore. It gained its reward, so why struggle? But if you take a break from too much dopamine, you will reset it.
  2. Better focus and concentration. When your brain diminishes dopamine receptors, focus and concentration will also decrease.
  3. Higher creativity. Curiosity and emotivity are triggered by a necessity to find dopamine. So, if you are already feeding your brain too much of it, it won’t trigger those emotions.


944 reads

How to Prepare for a Dopamine Detox

How to Prepare for a Dopamine Detox

Each person receives dopamine refills from different activities.

Some people spend too much time on social media. Others might consume video content on YouTube or Netflix.

Part of the population has an addiction to sugary and fatty meals or video games. And others suffer because of uncontrollable shopping or attention needs.

Everyone is different. So, the best way to make a 30-day dopamine detox challenge is to prepare yourself and learn your triggers.

But how can you optimize preparation?


1.06K reads

1 - The plan and the goal

1 - The plan and the goal

During my dopamine detox, I only had one goal – writing more. So, I replaced my needs with writing. And every time my body wanted pleasure, I gave it hard work.

My plan was easy but effective. I recharged with dopamine only once I finished the article. But that recharge was healthy because I have worked for it. And it healed me.

So, to make a dopamine detox set a goal for something you want to achieve during the next 30 days. And then stick to it.


1.05K reads

2 - The addictions

2 - The addictions

My first dopamine detox failed because I didn’t know my addictions. And once I came close to an activity that made me feel good, I stumbled and fell. So, you must identify the tasks and substances that trigger dopamine release in your brain.

So, search for your addictions. But search them consciously because not every activity that triggers dopamine is terrible for your productivity. 

Spending time with friends and playing video games both release dopamine. But the first one is healthier than the second. And you still need to keep some dopamine sources in your routine.


952 reads

3 - The triggers

3 - The triggers

Addictions are activities that fill your brain with dopamine. But each has a trigger. And, for me, turning on my home PC in the morning was one of the worst ones.

In a dopamine detox, you must remove triggers that could interfere with your progress.

So, based on your addiction, turn off the notifications, delete social media apps, or avoid places with many sugary or fatty treats. Don’t turn on your TV if you watch too much Netflix. Leave your laptop in another room if you can’t stop playing video games.


908 reads

4 - The accountability system

4 - The accountability system

My first dopamine detox challenge ended because I couldn’t rely on myself to keep going for at least 30 days.

I didn’t have an accountability system. And for this reason, I failed. So, you must find something that helps you stay on track when you are about to give up.

Usually, the best accountability systems are people who check on your progress and support you when your willpower falters. But, if you don’t have anyone, you can use habit-tracking apps.

  • A person can give you the emotional support an app lacks.
  • However, tracking progress can motivate you to take the extra step toward your goal.


799 reads

The 30-Day Dopamine Detox Challenge

The 30-Day Dopamine Detox Challenge

A 30-day dopamine detox challenge must have three things:

  • a list of forbidden activities
  • a list of replacement activities you can do instead
  • and a control system

And since the challenge is personal, you can define these points yourself. You know better what to stop doing and which activities could help you cope with a dopamine shortage.

But you also need a control system to resist the urge of dopamine. And for that, I suggest using mindfulness.


797 reads

The Benefits of Mindfulness

The Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an incredible relaxation technique. It makes you aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. And you can use it to recognize when your need for dopamine becomes unbearable to act preemptively.

If you practice with perseverance, you will learn to identify the triggers that lead to dopamine release in your brain. You will explore your feelings and your coping system. And you will gain a strategic advantage over your addictions.

I suggest starting with apps like Headspace or Petit BamBou.


733 reads

How to Stay on Track (1)

How to Stay on Track (1)

Tracking progress and celebrating milestones is vital for success. And if you do it properly, you will overcome challenges easier. So, I prepared a 30-day dopamine detox graphic you can print and use for free. [You can find it here.]

  • Track your progress.
  • Celebrate milestones. After every week of successful dopamine detox, you are allowed one dopamine release to celebrate your progress. Removing dopamine is not the goal. Learning how to control it is.
  • State the challenge. Emotions are simple to understand if you give them a name. So check your desire, willpower, and control of the situation daily.


693 reads

How to Stay on Track (2)

How to Stay on Track (2)

For a successful challenge, track your progress every day. Set the alarm in the evening, and take 10 minutes to fill your challenge sheets.

  • Some days, your dopamine desire will be low, and you will have no trouble managing it.
  • On other days, you will desire dopamine but also have high willpower. So, you will resist the urge for short-term satisfaction.
  • And then, on some days, your desire will overcome your willpower. And you must have a system that helps you stay in control, like mindfulness.


683 reads

How To Balance Dopamine After the Challenge

How To Balance Dopamine After the Challenge

After the challenge, you must find a way to balance your dopamine needs and reintroduce them into your life.

But how can you do that?

  • Set clear boundaries. If an activity created problems in the past, you don’t want to let it happen again.
  • Replace activities. During the challenge, you already replaced some unhealthy activities with healthier ones. So keep practicing.
  • Control your mind. If any control system helped you cope with your dopamine needs, keep going. And if it didn’t, find another one.
  • Practice self-care. Take care of your habits, activities, and even friendships to avoid relapses.


605 reads

Fast Recap

Fast Recap

A 30-day dopamine detox has many benefits. It helps you achieve better motivation, focus, concentration, creativity, and productivity.

However, preparing and doing a dopamine detox is challenging. But if you do, you can build a healthier dopamine balance that helps you resist short-term relapses for powerful long-term gratification.

You only need four things to prepare at best:

  • A detailed plan with a specific goal to reach
  • A list of addictions you want to remove from your habits
  • Every trigger that might involve you in those addictions
  • And an accountability system that keeps you on track.


566 reads

Before you go

Before you go

If you loved the newsletter and want to support my work, subscribe and share The Challenge with your friends and families!

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635 reads



Passionate about self-improvement, personal growth, finance, and creativity. I love to inspire people to become the better version of themselves. Author @ www.cosmopolitanmindset.com


Too much dopamine can ruin your life and make you procrastinate instead of achieving your dreams. Here's an article on how to control it.

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