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Start Small - Tiny Changes for Big Results

Start Small - Tiny Changes for Big Results

Making small changes consistently over a long period of time can lead to significant results. 🌟

Aim to improve by just 1% every day, rather than focusing on one big moment. This may seem small, but over a year, it adds up to 37 times better. 🚀

Small changes compound into remarkable results when done consistently. 🔥

Don't underestimate the power of daily improvements that may seem small. 💪

1% better each day for a year leads to 37 times better, while 1% worse each day for a year causes a drastic decline. 👎


600 reads

Breakthrough Moments

Breakthrough Moments

🔥 Small Steps = Big Changes 🚀

Just like how boiling water results from small bubbles joining together, your small daily actions build up and lead to a major breakthrough. It may seem like nothing is happening, but keep going - the results will come.

🧊 Remember, even at 31 degrees, an ice cube won't melt. But at 32 degrees, it melts instantly. Your hard work may not be visible yet, but it's building up just like that one degree higher.

💡 Pro tip: Stay consistent and don't give up, even if the results aren't immediate. Your breakthrough moment is just around the corner.


457 reads

Systems Not Goals

Systems Not Goals

Winners and losers both have the same goals, but the most successful people focus on systems instead.

🎯 Instead of just setting goals, focus on creating and implementing effective systems.

👉 Problems may be solved temporarily by addressing symptoms, but true improvement comes from addressing the underlying systems.

🚫 Don't wait to be happy until you reach your goals - focus on creating effective systems and happiness will follow 🚀


431 reads

Identity Affects Your Habits

Identity Affects Your Habits

Did you know that your habits are shaped by your identity? 🤯 You might start a habit because of motivation, but only your pride can make it stick. Why? Because good habits can make rational sense, but if they conflict with your identity, you will fail to act on them.

  • Become the best version of yourself 💪
  • Edit your beliefs and upgrade your identity 📈
  • Repeat behaviors to reinforce your identity 🔄
  • Use habits to prove to yourself who you are 👊


375 reads

The Four Laws Of Habit Formation

The Four Laws Of Habit Formation

1st Law (Cue): Make it Obvious

2nd Law (Craving): Make it Attractive

3rd Law (Response): Make it Easy

4th Law (Reward): Make it Satisfying

Eliminate the Cue and Your Habit will Never Start.

Reduce the Craving and You Won't Experience Enough Motivation to Act.

Make the Behavior Difficult and You Won't Be Able to Do It.


369 reads

Implementation Intention: Making Habits Stick

Implementation Intention: Making Habits Stick

Want to create a new habit? Here's how to make it stick:

  • Be specific: decide exactly what you want to do and when to do it
  • Start fresh: choose first day of week/month/year to boost motivation 🎉
  • Create a mental anchor: when X happens, I'll do Y 💪
  • Make it obvious: remind yourself of the habit by placing visual cues in your environment 🏋️
  • Stay hopeful: with hope comes motivation to take action 🤞


289 reads

Habit Stacking

Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is when you pair a new habit with one you already have. 🤝 The formula is: 🧠 After [current habit], I will [new habit]. 💪

Here's an example: After I brush my teeth, I will do 10 push-ups. 🦷💪 Habit stacking works best when the cue is specific and doable right away. 🙌


277 reads

Design Your Environment for Success

Design Your Environment for Success

If you want to drink more water, fill up a few water bottles each morning and place them in common locations around the house.🍶

Be the designer of your world, not merely the consumer of it. Our behavior is not defined by the objects in the environment, but by our relationship to them.📝

Habits can be easier to change in a new environment. It helps to escape the subtle triggers and cues that nudge you towards your current habits.

When you can't manage to get to an entirely new environment, redefine or rearrange your current one. Create a separate space for work, study, exercise, etc.👍


249 reads


In the short run, you can choose to overpower temptation. In the long run, we become a product of the environment that we live in.



262 reads

Fitting In - The Power of Community for Building Better Habits

Fitting In - The Power of Community for Building Better Habits

Joining a community where your desired behavior is the norm is key to creating lasting habits. Seeing others do it daily makes a new habit seem achievable. When change means fitting in with the tribe, it's more attractive.

  • To build better habits, join a culture where your desired behavior is the norm
  • Seeing others doing the desired behavior makes it seem achievable
  • Make change more attractive by joining a tribe where you share a common interest🤝


226 reads

Make It Easy

Make It Easy

The Law of Least Effort states that people will naturally choose the option that requires the least amount of work. To form good habits, make them easy to do in your environment. Make bad habits hard to do by eliminating triggers and cues for them. Practice environment design to decrease the friction associated with your habits.

Remember: Making good habits easy and bad habits difficult can help you achieve your goals with less effort. 👍🚀


219 reads

Make It Satisfying

Make It Satisfying

What is rewarded is repeated. What is punished is avoided. But there is a trick. We are not looking for just any type of satisfaction. We are looking for immediate satisfaction.

  1. The road less traveled is the road of delayed gratification.🛣️
  2. If you're willing to wait for the rewards, you'll face less competition and often get a bigger payoff.✅
  3. The best way to do this is to add a little bit of immediate pleasure to the habits that pay off in the long run.🤩
  4. Add a little bit of immediate pain to the ones that don't.😖


209 reads

Habit Tracking - A Tool for Personal Growth

Habit Tracking - A Tool for Personal Growth

Habit tracking is a powerful way to improve yourself and stay motivated with simple tasks that add up over time.

It's easy to lose sight of our goals, but with habit tracking, we can focus on the daily progress and enjoy instant gratification along the way. Here are some essential tips:

  • 🧐 Keep track of small wins every day
  • 🏆 Stay committed to the process
  • 🚀 Avoid missing two days in a row

By using habit tracking, you are actively shaping yourself into the person you want to be, one small habit at a time.


187 reads

Secret to Lasting Results

Secret to Lasting Results

The secret to achieving lasting results is to continuously work on improving yourself. Even small adjustments can lead to significant progress over time.🚀

To create good habits, make them easy to remember, attractive, and achievable. And to maintain those habits, make them satisfying and rewarding. This will help you stick to your goals and achieve long-lasting results.🎉


194 reads


Habits are the compound interest of self improvement.



229 reads



Join me to unlock your full potential. Exploring the areas of personal development, entrepreneurship, relationships, and personal finance. Also available on Instagram @bookpandanotes


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