Copywriting Secrets - Deepstash
Copywriting Secrets

Aki Lau's Key Ideas from Copywriting Secrets
by Jim Edwards

Ideas, facts & insights covering these topics:

41 ideas


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Sales copywriting is anything intended to persuade the right reader, viewer, or listener to take a specific action



539 reads

Ten reasons people buy

Ten reasons people buy

  • Make money
  • Save money
  • Save time
  • Avoid effort
  • Escape mental or physical pain
  • Get more comfort
  • Achieve greater cleanliness or hygiene to attain better health
  • Get praise
  • Feel more loved
  • Increase their popularity or social status


515 reads

Tie your copy with the above reasons

  • Use as many of them as you can in your copy to “tie down” the prospect
  • Get creative in how you use these reasons


442 reads

Change perspective from “me” to “you”

Change perspective from “me” to “you”

  • People want to hear about themselves
  • No one cares about you in your sales copy
  • Make your sales copy all about them (your prospect)


393 reads

Headline is important

Headline is important

  • If your headline sucks, nobody reads your sales letter, nobody reads your ad, and nobody watches your video
  • A well-written headline targets people emotionally, usually around either a fear or desire


328 reads

Headline templates

  • How to get…..
  • How to ….. in as little as ….
  • How every … can ….
  • 5 quick and easy ways to …..
  • 3 fast ways to get … and avoid ….
  • 5 quick and easy ways to get …. even if…
  • Which of these … mistakes will you make?
  • ….. mistakes all …. need to avoid
  • …. mistakes every …. needs to avoid


284 reads

More headline ideas

  • Warning : here’s what every … needs to know about ….
  • Warning : don’t even think about trying to …. until you read this
  • Here’s the perfect solution if you want
  • Here’s the perfect solution if you want … even if …..
  • My proven …. method to ….


269 reads

It’s never “one size fits all”

  • Acknowledge the different audiences who can use your product or service
  • Identify those audiences and commit to putting the right messages in front of them
  • Each traffic sources should have its own targeted approach
  • Don’t be lazy and fail into the trap of one-size-fits-all with your sales messages


231 reads

Hot/ warm/ cold traffic sources:

Hot/ warm/ cold traffic sources:

  • Hot traffic source: somebody who is on your email list or follows you on social media and knows your name
  • Warm traffic source: somebody who is looking for a solution to a problem, but they don’t know about you yet
  • Cold traffic sources: someone who doesn’t even realise there’s a solution out there but knows they have a problem


223 reads

What is F.R.E.D?

What is F.R.E.D?

  • F.R.E.D stands for Fears, Results, Expectations, and Desires
  • Fred is your ideal customer, your new best friend
  • See Fred as an avatar


272 reads

What is PQR2?

What is PQR2?

  • PQR2 stands for problems, questions, roadblocks, results
  • Your Fred wants to have the result, but there is a gap
  • Your sales copy will bridge the gap for Fred


231 reads

How to assemble Fred

  • Define your Fred
  • Go from a large niche down to sub-niches then to micro-niches

Identify Fred’s top two problems

Identify Fred’s top two questions

Identify Fred’s two big roadblocks

Identify Fred’s top two desired results


211 reads

The Ultimate Bullet Formula

  • People buy the benefits not the features
  • Benefit is what something does for you, while feature is what something is
  • People buy on emotion and then justify with logic


203 reads

How to use bullets

How to use bullets

  • Summarise what people will see in a video
  • Give people a preview of your blog post
  • List the benefits
  • Give people reasons to keep reading and to make a decision
  • Summarise what they are buying


180 reads

Reasons to use bullets

  • Give people a reason to act
  • Build curiosity so you can create pressure inside people to get them to buy faster
  • Grab people’s attention so you can address their specific wants (and needs) to make more sales
  • Convey important information quickly so you can get your message across fast to maximise every advertising dollar you spend
  • Carry the load of explaining what your product is and what it will do for them


150 reads

Formulating the ultimate bullets

  • Feature + Benefit + Meaning
  • It (feature) so you can (benefit) which means (meaning)
  • Feature = what it is
  • Benefit = what it does
  • Meaning = what it means to the buyer/ reader/ prospect
  • which means you will/ you can/ you don’t have to


162 reads

What really sells people

What really sells people

  • When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion
  • Meaning creates emotion
  • A strong “why” creates emotion
  • You’ve got to find that emotional connection and amplify it
  • The more emotions you can tie your product or service to like, love, fear of x, hate, hope, the better off you are


157 reads

Tie your product to these emotions:

Tie your product to these emotions:

Love for … (family, self, country, community, etc)

Fear of …. (failure, making mistakes, death, loss, etc)



Longing for … (fulfillment, peace, completion, etc)




168 reads

Why good enough makes you poor

  • The enemy of great is good
  • The mindset of good enough makes you stop improving


165 reads

Always use A-B testing for

  • Headlines
  • Offers
  • Prices
  • Bonuses
  • Email subject lines
  • Calls to action
  • Order button test
  • Colours


163 reads

Tips on using A-B testing

  • You never test more than one variable at a time
  • If you are not testing start testing immediately
  • Test for actions like purchases, clicks, or subscriptions
  • Automate your testing, don;t do it by hand if at all possible


140 reads

How to build testimonials

How to build testimonials

  • Use quotes from your company, colleagues, or friends
  • Use celebrity endorsement (if possible)
  • Use statistics to proof the claims you are making
  • Give your product away to people in exchange for an honest testimonial


137 reads

3 sales formula that never fail

3 sales formula that never fail

formula 1: Problem/ agitate/ solve

formula 2: If you want 3X benefit, then do this

formula 3: The before/ after/ bridge


141 reads

Formula 1: problem/ agitate/ solve

Formula 1: problem/ agitate/ solve

  • You define the problem they face
  • You agitate it, make it worse, ,make it hurt
  • You solve it by presenting your product or service as the solution


140 reads

Formula 2: If you want 3X benefit, then do this

  • List 3 different benefits in your copy
  • e.g. if you want to train your dog, teach him some great tricks, or even just have a lot more fun with your pet, then you need to check out “The 10 tricks you can teach your dog in a weekend course”.
  • e.g. If you want to reignite the fire with your spouse, if you want to get back in touch with the feeling you had when you first got married, or you simply want to reconnect with your best friend in the world, then check our “Marriage Revitalisation Secrets”.


123 reads

Formula 3: the before/ after/ bridge

Formula 3: the before/ after/ bridge

  • Before - after - bridge
  • Start with the before (problem, question, roadblock that makes them unhappy)
  • Introduce the after ( tell them to imagine what their life will be like, show positive emotions)
  • Bridge the gap of where they are now and where they want to be


119 reads

How to structure a video sales letter as a web page

How to structure a video sales letter as a web page

  • Start with the headline
  • Insert your video
  • Add a buy button, place right under the video
  • Add 4-6 awesome, curiosity-inducing bullets under the buy button
  • Give the guarantee
  • Summarise what they will get
  • Closing copy
  • Restate the main benefits stated in the video sales-  letter


119 reads

13 steps sales message formula:

13 steps sales message formula:

  • Headline
  • Shocking statement
  • Define the problem
  • Agitate
  • Present the solution
  • Use bullet to arouse curiosity
  • Credibility statement about you
  • Proof
  • Sum up the offer and give price
  • Bonuses and pot sweeteners
  • Guarantee
  • Call them to action
  • Postscript


121 reads

Why should you write an email teaser:

  • An email teaser is an email that gets sent to either a single customer or a list of customers
  • The sole purpose of that email teaser is to get the reader to click a link in the email itself and go to a web page
  • They will then read your sales message, watch your sales video, absorb your content, read your blog posts, watch your content video
  • In 99 out of 100 emails, the only purpose is to get them to click a link


101 reads

How to structure an email teaser:

How to structure an email teaser:

  • Start with a great subject line to get their attention and get them to open the email
  • Salutation - to acknowledge them
  • A shocking fact
  • 2-4 bullets or sentences to build curiosity
  • Specific call to action for what you want them to do
  • Close with a personal note like “hey, I’ll see you over there, thanks Jim.”


103 reads

5 types of stories you tell people and make them “thirsty”

  • Actual stories you tell about your life, your business, other people, or anything that illustrates your point
  • Case studies about somebody got a result, like a hero’s journey
  • Examples about how something works, was applied, was put into motion, and then the result they got
  • The three M’s of content (Myth, Misconception, Mistakes)
  • Future pacing - explain what life will be life when they take specific actions, how will your product/ service/ software/ whatever, help them achieve those results


109 reads

he three M’s of content

  • It can create the need for what you are selling and increases the urgency to buy right now
  • Myth, Misconception, Mistakes
  • Myth - you can write about myths people believe and debunk them
  • Misconception - You can clear up those misconceptions and replace them with correct views and clear understanding
  • Mistakes - you point out where other people are going wrong


99 reads

4 ways to sell

4 ways to sell

  • Give something valuable for free that naturally leads to an additional purchase (you teach somebody something or provide something that automatically creates the need for what you’re selling)
  • Tell them what to do, why they should do it, and then sell them/ what they need to do it
  • Teach all the steps leading up to what you want them to purchase
  • Teach them the manual or hard way to do something, then sell them the tools, or the easy button, to do it for them


100 reads

Create a persona/ personality

  • People buy from a character or a persona more easily then they buy from some unknown company
  • Take a stand, to have a position, or an opinion
  • Love me, hate me, there’s no money in between
  • You need to be consistent in your message, opinion, and what you stand for


102 reads

The four-part formula

  • The four-part formula creates a profitable promise
  • The hurdle
  • The prize
  • The timing
  • The eliminator


114 reads

Part 1 - The hurdle

Part 1 - The hurdle

  • Understand their obstacle
  • The ability to take the action to get the result is what they see holding them back
  • The actions are the hurdles


102 reads

Part 2 - The prize

Part 2 - The prize

  • The prize us what they want, is the result they want from taking action in the previous step


101 reads

Part 3 - The timing

Part 3 - The timing

  • Answer the question “when will I get what I want?”
  • How long will it take?
  • Reference the time it takes for them to get the prize by taking action themselves, it should be unbelievable but within the realm of possibility
  • or saying how long it takes you to teach them how to get the prize


95 reads

Part 4 - The eliminator

Part 4 - The eliminator

  • Eliminate the excuse that holds them back
  • Excuses result from past effort, pain, or failure
  • Mention “even if you (the excuses), you can still achieve (the result) with my product
  • Under no circumstances do you tell them it is their fault for not getting the results they want
  • Let them off the hook, as in “it’s not their fault” they don’t have what they want yet


91 reads

Use the stealth close

  • Use the words “by the way” or “p.s” at the end of the email as a teaser
  • People will be less defensive
  • It goes under their “anti-sale radar”
  • First deliver value, then pivot to get a signup, a subscriber, whatever you want to get done with the words “by the way” or “p.s”


89 reads


  • No one is born knowing how to sell
  • Give people clear reasons why they should buy from you
  • Target people's emotions
  • People buy because of emotions, they justify it with logic afterwards
  • Use bullet points always
  • Always chase for greater, don't settle with "good enough"


91 reads



Hi there, I love the idea of summarising ideas for people to digest new content at ease. That's what the world needs more!


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